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Thread: What If I'm Pregnant.....?

  1. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluesummer View Post
    My girl friend just told me something distressing - that one of her other really good friends took a pregnancy test three times and got a negative result every time.....but she was indeed pregnant.
    My son's mom showed negative on 3 tests too. But the last test she took she left sitting in the bathroom. About an hour later I went in to pee and there it was. 2 lines. I found out before she did. Try waiting longer for the results, sometimes it takes longer i guess.

    Quote Originally Posted by bluesummer View Post
    As for Depo.....the two people I know who went on it gained huge amounts of weight. And Giga's right....that stuff is in your system for MONTHS....if I had a reaction to it, there'd be nothing I could do.
    And no, if you have a reaction to it, doctors have another shot that will reverse the original shot. Kinda like the "anti-venom", if you will. :p Perfectly safe, just beware the weight gain. :eek:

  2. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluesummer View Post
    What.......are you serious? You want them?
    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch View Post

    Oh, my God. The cuteness of that baby would be ridiculous.

    the intelligence would be off the meter, as well.
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

  3. #48
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    The "Likeability" factor would also be incredible

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  4. #49
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    Most birth control methods have some sort of side effects and they all effect everyone differently. I'm sure if I had known people who had bad effects I might have chosen something else, but I dont know anyone else on the depo. It works for me. There are so many other forms of birth control now. I also looked into a new vaginal ring which is inserted by the Dr. Very similar to depo, but as soon as its taken out, you can get pregnant right away, with depo it can take a lot longer.

    Dont stress Bluesummer, I know easier said than done, but keep busy, like school isnt enough right now right? It will be ok!!! Hey, after this, maybe go see your gyno and ask about the new birth controls.
    everything happens for a reason...beginning to wonder why.

  5. #50
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    i hate birth control pills. they all make me feel like shit.
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

  6. #51
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    I hate the pills because I forget to take the damn things so what good is it for me? I can barely remember to get my shot once every 3 months!
    everything happens for a reason...beginning to wonder why.

  7. #52
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    I'm awful with pills, too. It's almost useless for me to be on them, because I always forget to take them. Very bad.

    I'm going to take another test on Thursday morning. My sister said she took two when she was pregnant with her first child and they both came up negative. I also didn't follow the directions properly because I was nervous and just wanted to do it for piece of mind. Apparently you're supposed to do it first thing in the morning when your HcG is the highest. Either that, or you're not supposed to pee for four hours so it has enough time to build up, and you're not suppsed to drink a lot of fluid because it 'waters it down' and the test can't pick it up.

    I took it at night, after having gone to the washroom thirty minutes before, and drinking a massive cup of coffee. So, I have to try again.
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  8. #53
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    Sounds stressful Blue. I hope this will all be out of the way soon so you can have a peace of mind. You don't need these extra worries in your life.

    For people who forget to take the pill, implanon eliminates that risk:

    Implanon, made by Organon International, is a single-rod contraceptive subdermal implant that is inserted just under the skin of a woman's upper arm. The 4 cm by 2 mm Implanon rod contains 68 milligrams of the gonane progestin etonogestrel which is released over a three year period.
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  9. #54
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    im 27 and have been thinking of having another baby.
    i am hesitant though cause i already have an 11 year old and they would be to far apart it would be like having two only children and then the thought of starting over.

    Has any one had there kids 5 + years apart? Or comes from a family with way older brothers and sisters?
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  10. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by blue View Post
    im 27 and have been thinking of having another baby.
    i am hesitant though cause i already have an 11 year old and they would be to far apart it would be like having two only children and then the thought of starting over.

    Has any one had there kids 5 + years apart? Or comes from a family with way older brothers and sisters?
    I have a sister who is 12 years younger than me. To be honest, we aren't nearly as close as I am to the siblings who are closer to my age. It is as though she was born to another family entirely - she was definitely raised like an "only child". We have very little in common besides genetic material.

    That being said, so what? Your kids will probably not have much in common, but I'm not sure that should be the deciding factor on whether or not to have more children. There is no guarantee that kids who are closer in age will have anything in common, either.

    The part that sucks the most about having a big age gap is that family activities are usually geared towards the youngest family member, which can seriously annoy a teenager. Also, teenagers are often expected to be another parental source/babysitter, which is grossly unfair. I suggest if you decide to have another child, you not rely on your older child to fill in, if you know what I mean.
    Last edited by vashti; 17-04-08 at 05:42 AM.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  11. #56
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    Calm down, you're fine.


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  13. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by blue View Post
    im 27 and have been thinking of having another baby.
    i am hesitant though cause i already have an 11 year old and they would be to far apart it would be like having two only children and then the thought of starting over.

    Has any one had there kids 5 + years apart? Or comes from a family with way older brothers and sisters?
    Yes. And I would rather have a sib w/that age gap than no sib at all.

    It sucks as children for the reasons that Vash said, but once they are both adults it will hardly matter.

    Also, everyone I know who is an only child says they wishes they had a sib.
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  14. #59
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    i have a sibling that's 8 years older than me and it's like we're from two different planets.
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

  15. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by blue View Post
    im 27 and have been thinking of having another baby.
    i am hesitant though cause i already have an 11 year old and they would be to far apart it would be like having two only children and then the thought of starting over.

    Has any one had there kids 5 + years apart? Or comes from a family with way older brothers and sisters?
    Wow, blue! I never knew you had a kid! I have a 10-year-old. Cool. I'm thinking about having another one myself, even though I'm old as dirt and all. My daughter is thrilled.

    The only experience I have with this is second-hand, of course. My brother had a stepdaughter who was about 10 when they had my niece and my ex-husband had a little sister who was about eight years younger than the next oldest. The little ones tend to get spoiled rotten because their siblings are teenagers with disposable income by the time they're old enough to want stuff. I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing, but it seems to happen across the board.

    The thought of starting over is a little daunting, but everyone who has done this tells me it's a lot easier the second time around.
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