That's why they call it PRETENTIOUS WINDBAGS who frequently get in debt, do drugs and end up being drains on society all because they had to chase a fancy paper. Now drop down and give me 300/
Uh, nobody calls it that, but you. And without a fancy paper, you have no credibility. So drop down and give me 1000.
Ooohh, my bad. I forget that a fancy paper gives a human his worth. I mean, one definitely can't do a single thing without certification from a soul-sucking university..Did you get your bicycle learner's permit at an Ivy League university, dem? How about to tie your shoes? And I wonder about that guy who was better at fixing PCs than I was even though I paid for a formal education in that field...Hm. I guess by reason of my having a 10K certification, I am superior to him.
Drop down and give me 10000 with 30 laps around the yard. GO!
Well, go get accepted to graduate school and then we'll talk. Until then, you're dismissed from gym class. Report to Delta House and ask for Bluto.
Lol, OK, that was pretty WIN right there..