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Thread: Scared she's going to hurt me

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    UK: England
    Hon, I managed to get over a 10 year marriage after he'd cheated for the 3rd time and left to be with her - if I can do it, so can you.

    I'm not saying it's easy, because it's not and I struggled to cope for a long time.

    You just have to keep yourself and your mind busy and occupied at all times. Surround yourself with family, friends, get new hobbies, go to the gym, talk about it and get it off your chest (you have these forums to talk and vent whenever you want)....do ANYTHING and so that you are not just sitting at home dwelling on it. If you just sit around thinking about her and what she did, you will drive yourself crazy and may end up doing something you regret. And she isn't worth being arrested for or the time you might do.

    So how did you find out then? More likely because she came back, been feeling guilty about what she did and was distant? That is usually the first sign something is wrong.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    yeah, she was distant and i told her i knew something wasn't right and she should be honest and it was the least she owed me, then she came out with it. turns out she cheated in her last 2 relationships before ours, i told her i pitied her because she'll never find true happiness, and asked if she intended on going through life ruining guys hearts, she said she wouldn't and i just laughed.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    UK: England
    She told you she hadn't never cheated, except on the ldr guy, for you. Dirty big liar and a cheater to boot....what a catch!

    You would never be able to trust her and trust is a must in any relationship.

    She must be 'cock happy'....one man isn't enough.

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