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Thread: Fun questions for your date

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by sticko View Post
    I don't get it.

    Is there some trick to know her answers?
    Yeah.., but clearly.., what's more important through this routine.., is getting to know more about the other person.., and being able to talk and share stories along the way.., that's what it gives you.., the tricks is just for some playful fun bonus at the end..
    If you can't stop the Wind, then you can't stop the Storm.

  2. #32
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    How about:

    "Are you wearing sexy underwear?"

    What's a fun way to lead up to that question
    Don't cry, don't regret and don't blame
    Weak find the whip, willing find freedom
    Towards the sun, carry your name
    In warm hands you are given
    Ask the wind for the way
    Uncertainty's gone, your path will unravel
    Accept all as it is and do not blame
    God or the Devil
    ~Born to Live - Mavrik~

  3. #33
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    Dec 2007
    Ask "philosophical" love questions and flirt with them. "How do you know if you like someone and when is the best time to tell them?" "How do you create a meaningful bond with a person you like?" "I am enraptured in delight by your thoughtful responses.".......

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by box_of_donuts View Post
    Q: If you were home one night reading a great book, and a friend called you and invited you to a great party while you were reading this great book. what do you think you would do?

    A1: stay home and read the book (introverted answer)
    A2: go with my friend to the party (extroverted answer)
    I would just ask them if they are introverted or extroverted. Not all introverts prefer to stay at home as a date. I am an introvert. Yes we are more into your own thoughts and see things inward ...extroverts think outside of themselves and see things outward.

    But, I would rather do something unusual often. I like a little adventure and keep doing different things. I know extroverts who prefer to stay home and "watch the game" all the time.......that's boring. And going to parties all the time is boring to me too. I do like to hang out with people, but I am not a talkative person.
    Last edited by lesa; 26-04-08 at 01:28 PM.

  5. #35
    Illusional's Avatar
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    hows about this question....

    (a few bottles of wine later)

    so my favorite sexual position is the twisted octopus, but which one would you like to try, i'm open to just about anything.

    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  6. #36
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    Grk I was thinking back on your older posts and they were more keen on the whole hypnotic soul-journeying aspect of your "game." They were also a lot more interesting. You wrote some long thing about "..has there ever been a time where you felt such a.. deep connection with a person that you could leave behind all the.. day-to-day techniques that we use to protect ourselves and just.. enter that close space with this person? just let everything go and just be you? and were you able to...(x)"

    I don't remember you had some second aspect of this like Her versus the Person and He did and You did... I don't know hopefully you remember. It was really cool. I just want more NLP stuff okay give me more magic words. (Yeah yeah there are no "lines" but there are definitely "patterns.")

    Take us on a journey again, smooth-talker! Leave the magic tricks to the clowns without deep sensual voice instruments.

  7. #37
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    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by bohemiandonut View Post
    Grk I was thinking back on your older posts and they were more keen on the whole hypnotic soul-journeying aspect of your "game." They were also a lot more interesting.
    It's really just come to the point.., where the only part of my "game" is opening.., that's it.., everything else is so automatic.., without thinking.., after opening.., there really is no game.., just counter-game.., until I see that she's being herself..

    Anything actively hypnotic on my part.., takes place in either the very beginning.., or way later on during teasing.., seduction and sex.., but like I said before.., hypnosis is everything.., all it is.., is getting into a different emotional state.., that's all it is..

    For example.., as you think about your least favorite person now.., and "why" you feel that way about them.., what they did or said to you that makes you feel this way towards them.., or if you find yourself in a strip club.., you will also find yourself in a different mental state.., if you are driving.., and you have the right of way.., and some punk teenager with his pimped-out Toyota and busted muffler to make his $2 car sound like a sports car.., cuts you off and almost gets both of you killed.., you will find yourself in a different mental state..

    Everything is hypnosis.., and it's so vital to going through your normal everyday life.., that you can't avoid it.. and the best way to think about it.., is creating & directing emotions.., feelings.., and thoughts.. that's all it is.. and the best way to learn how to create & direct all these.., is to understand how they are created & directed.. within you.. (the best hypnotists.., are usually also the best hypnotic subjects)

    You must first be a great student.., in order to be a great teacher.., if you do not understand the subject.., and truly learn it.., then how do you expect to to ever teach it to others.., and have them learn? Hypnosis & mental states work the same way.., you can sit down and study how mental states are nothing more than different regions being stimulated in the brain.., but unless you understand how those emotions.., feelings.., and thoughts are created & directed inside of you.., how do you expect to create & direct them in others?

    If you really want to incorporate this into your interaction with others.., then the first step you should take.., is to interact with people.., and notice how what they say makes you feel.., and as you notice how you feel inside.., what emotions.., feelings.. and thoughts you are having.., you'll slowly start to also notice what aspect of the interaction created or directed you to this new state you're now in..

    Women are natural at this.., i'm not calling them manipulative.., i'm just saying that they have more of a knack at playing on emotions like "guilt, anger, envy, jealousy, arousal".. than men do.., they feel these much stronger than you do.., they are more in touch with and more aware of what triggers them.., and how to bring someone into such a state.., and "some".., how to use that state to get a desired outcome.. In short.., they have created a model in their mind of what gets them angry.., then applied the rough model onto others.., seen what works.., seen what doesn't.., and through time.., have stuck with a general framework of how to induce different emotional states onto others..

    A great example.., are strippers.., you know me.., i'm not at all a strippers kind of guy.., I went once in Tampa.., and that was it.., haven't gone to one since.. but they're brilliant.. you can learn a lot from strippers.., first of all.., they're highly sexual.., they genuinely love sex.., they love to get pleasure.., to feel it.., to enjoy it.., they love everything about arousal.., teasing.., and sex.., They're so in touch with this.., that they know how to create these feelings onto others.., most strippers are lazy.., looking at you like this: .., but there are some who are not.., they put in the effort into what they do.., not just there for a dance.., but to really show you a great time.. The difference? The difference is.., that when I was in Tampa.., I had others paying for my dances.., and I was telling each and every stripper to get the fcuk away from me.., I wasn't even losing money.., but I just didn't want to be aroused or emotionally stimulated by such a woman.., I didn't feel comfortable.., plus it was my first time in such a place.., and I felt sleezy.., sleezy guys go there.., to get dances.., paying for women.., not exactly something I wanted to associate myself with.. but then came this one girl.., who put me at ease.., she kept her shirt on when I asked her to.., and I could tell she was just trying to show me a good time and "she was having fun".., that was the most important thing.., when I felt that comfortable with her.., "I allowed myself.., to allow her.., to emotionally stimulate me and get me aroused".. that's important..

    The same way I threw away those strippers and told them to fcuk-off.., that's the same way a woman will tell a guy to fcuk-off and shut him out.., she will not allow herself to become aroused or emotionally stimulated by him.., if she doesn't deem him (1. valuable to her & worth it.., 2. safe "comfortable.., you don't make her feel like a slut or cheap.., you're not just looking for sex.., you're not even looking for anything.., you have no intentions.., and whatever she does with you.., is not something that will look bad for her..")..

    The strippers were looking for money.., that's all they wanted.., and that put me in a very uncomfortable position.., it made me feel sleezy.., worthless.., cheap.., and when each one came up to me.., I was rejecting that feeling.., by pushing them away and telling them to fcuk off.., I was really just pushing that feeling they were creating inside of me away.. it had nothing to do with them.., they were all really good-looking girls.. Similarly.., for women.., when a guy comes up to them.., they feel like me in a strip club.., only guys don't want money.., they want sex.., and they get treated the same way I treated all the other strippers.., fcuk off.., these guys can waste their time and try to arouse or emotionally stimulate the girl.., but will ultimately have the same results as the other strippers did on me..

    But there will come along one girl.., or one guy.., that won't be the same as the rest before them.. at first.., your defenses are up.., perhaps just on impulse.., you put your shield up and tell him or her to fcuk off.., you feel that he or she is just like the other 20 people who came up to you the same night.., but this person makes you feel comfortable.., you feel safe.., they've managed to bypass your defenses.., and that's not a bad thing.., it's a good thing.., you would have wrongly told a good thing to fcuk off.., but he or she persisted.., and they're still there.., and now that they're there.., they are demonstrating their value and worth to you.., and as they do that.., you allow yourself to enjoy the feelings of arousal or emotional stimulation he or she is providing..

    As a guy.., this is your most difficult task.., you simply don't feel the world the same way women do.., so it's a new way of looking at and being aware of the world around you.., that you'll have to open your senses up to.. be able to fully capture and amplify all those emotions.., feelings.., and thoughts that are created inside of you.. as you do this.., you'll notice for yourself an abstract.., faint.., "feeling".., an automatic & intuitive mode of understanding.., of not only what these feelings are.., not just how they make you want to act.., not just what they motivate you to do or how to behave.., but more importantly.., the cause of these.., you will be able to see what caused all these inside of you.., and as you find yourself naturally creating these feelings within others.., you'll start to see for yourself what hynosis really is.., how you use it.., is up to you..


    Last edited by GrkScorp; 28-04-08 at 09:19 AM.
    If you can't stop the Wind, then you can't stop the Storm.

  8. #38
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    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by bohemiandonut View Post
    You wrote some long thing about "..has there ever been a time where you felt such a.. deep connection with a person that you could leave behind all the.. day-to-day techniques that we use to protect ourselves and just.. enter that close space with this person? just let everything go and just be you? and were you able to...(x)"
    Have you ever really been in a relationship with someone that you were genuinely happy with? In every single way? I mean.., someone you just felt like you could just be yourself with.., completely comfortable with.., someone who didn't judge you when you were goofy or silly.., but actually just loved that side of you? I don't know if you've ever really felt that kind of chemistry and deep connection inside of you.., With me.., it's just such an amazing feeling.., if you don't have that with someone.., then what's the point right?

    The model is explained below.., but you can create a pattern for almost anything.., to stop game-playing on her part (must be used early-on).., to be viewed as someone who fits in perfectly into some need or want of hers.., to tease her with some fantasy of hers.., to synchronize your verbal teasing with her vaginal contractions as she's about to orgasm to help create a much deeper.., stronger.., more powerful and rich orgasm.., then bring her down slowly.., and work her back up again.. etc..

    Quote Originally Posted by bohemiandonut View Post
    I don't remember you had some second aspect of this like Her versus the Person and He did and You did... I don't know hopefully you remember. It was really cool. I just want more NLP stuff okay give me more magic words. (Yeah yeah there are no "lines" but there are definitely "patterns.")
    Model: (when you have a good feel for the model.., there's no need to memorize anything)

    (TDS) --> (desired memory) --> (needs, wants, fantasy, dream, insecurity, ego, etc) --> (desired state) --> (indirect suggestion) --> (desired emotion, feeling, thought) --> (release from suggestion) ---> (desired motive for action is in place) --> (anchor movitve) --> (trigger anchor) --> (get action)

    Notice: you don't really need to run the whole model from beginning to end.., each and every time you want some action or outcome.. for instance.., if the person is already in the desired state.., no need to go back in the process.., you can feel free to make an indirect suggestion.., and note.., how anchoring helps avoid the bulk of the model.. you can just trigger an anchor you previously put in place.., and you're done..

    Quote Originally Posted by bohemiandonut View Post
    Take us on a journey again, smooth-talker! Leave the magic tricks to the clowns without deep sensual voice instruments.
    Voice is your most powerful instrument.., what you say is not nearly as important as how you say it.. but beyond that.., I don't do anything I don't want to do.., and I choose to have fun with tricks.., just for the sake of having fun.., I like to enjoy the process.., so should you..

    If I wanted to teach guys how to hypnotize women to come back home with them.., have sex with them.., and then forget about them the next day.., I wouldn't be here on this forum.., but i'm here for a reason.., and that's not the reason.. I can honestly say that that's not something i've ever done.., nor showed anyone else how to go about doing it.., and i'm not about to start..

    The reason I get frustrated by both sexes.., is because of how two good people.., who are genuine.., and honest.., without any intentions or motives out of self-interest.., just never come together.., and enjoy the chance to truly fall in love with eachother.., because of all these other factors..., i'm interested in bringing those two people together.., not in some outcome..

    If you want to know more on bypassing modes of female defenses & ego during opening.., crushing ego & creating powerful attraction.., and then helping them feel that chemistry.., connection.., comfort & trust with you.., and how and what to say and talk during sex to make it a much richer experience for the both of you.., i'm more than happy to sit here and have you all pick my brain apart.., otherwise.., no..


    If you can't stop the Wind, then you can't stop the Storm.

  9. #39
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    San Diego, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by GrkScorp View Post
    Have you ever really been in a relationship with someone that you were genuinely happy with? In every single way? I mean.., someone you just felt like you could just be yourself with.., completely comfortable with..,someone who didn't judge you when you were goofy or silly.., but actually just loved that side of you? I don't know if you've ever really felt that kind of chemistry and deep connection inside of you.., With me.., it's just such an amazing feeling.., if you don't have that with someone.., then what's the point right?

    If I wanted to teach guys how to hypnotize women to come back home with them.., have sex with them.., and then forget about them the next day.., I wouldn't be here on this forum.., but i'm here for a reason.., and that's not the reason.. I can honestly say that that's not something i've ever done.., nor showed anyone else how to go about doing it.., and i'm not about to start..
    I would never suspect you of that, Grk. My usual problem is that I can make a girl genuinely comfortable with me to the point that it backfires - because of what I think is surprise that I would want to shift that into a more romantic relationship. If you're not too busy with Goose I will probably be asking you how make the transition from "nice friend" guy to "i wanna **** his brains out" guy. Er, I mean "i wanna **** his brains out and then grow emotionally with him" guy.

    The reason I get frustrated by both sexes.., is because of how two good people.., who are genuine.., and honest.., without any intentions or motives out of self-interest.., just never come together.., and enjoy the chance to truly fall in love with eachother.., because of all these other factors..., i'm interested in bringing those two people together.., not in some outcome..
    That's why I like you.

    If you want to know more on bypassing modes of female defenses & ego during opening.., crushing ego & creating powerful attraction.., and then helping them feel that chemistry.., connection.., comfort & trust with you.., and how and what to say and talk during sex to make it a much richer experience for the both of you.., i'm more than happy to sit here and have you all pick my brain apart.., otherwise.., no..



  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrkScorp View Post
    The reason I get frustrated by both sexes.., is because of how two good people.., who are genuine.., and honest.., without any intentions or motives out of self-interest.., just never come together.., and enjoy the chance to truly fall in love with eachother.., because of all these other factors..., i'm interested in bringing those two people together.., not in some outcome..
    Hey, I know exactly what you mean. My housemate is 35, great guy, kind, not self servings, he'll make a great partner for some lucky girl out there some day. Problem is he never goes out and looks for opportunities. He just says that, he doesn't understand women and because of that he just doesn't try. And he wants to be in a relationship, he really does he just makes a lot of excuses for why he doesn't have time to look. I think the real reason though is just he doesn't know how to look and he gets scared of what he doesn't know.

    This is how knowledge, espeically one gained from direct experience is so crucial and powerful imo. It motivates you to go out there and put yourself into random situations to test it all out. And that's what it's all about, random situations until a compatible match is found.
    Don't cry, don't regret and don't blame
    Weak find the whip, willing find freedom
    Towards the sun, carry your name
    In warm hands you are given
    Ask the wind for the way
    Uncertainty's gone, your path will unravel
    Accept all as it is and do not blame
    God or the Devil
    ~Born to Live - Mavrik~

  11. #41
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    In my house
    Quote Originally Posted by bohemiandonut View Post
    My usual problem is that I can make a girl genuinely comfortable with me to the point that it backfires - because of what I think is surprise that I would want to shift that into a more romantic relationship. If you're not too busy with Goose I will probably be asking you how make the transition from "nice friend" guy to "i wanna **** his brains out" guy. Er, I mean "i wanna **** his brains out and then grow emotionally with him" guy.
    People are always very comfortable around me too, but until now, never really attracted to me either. That's what I realized I was missing, giving them the "I want to **** his brains out" urge. I was fed up with being just a friend. You might as well just tell me that you're not attracted to me, but would like me to be your personal bitch. I guess that's why it hurts more, because they'll let you be their personal bitch first, and unless you push, they'll never tell you that they're not attracted to you. It's not fair, it's not right, but that's the way things are. I hope that helps a little.

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Asparagoose View Post
    and unless you push, they'll never tell you that they're not attracted to you.
    That's why it's important to always have a good, practical push strategy. That's one of the main things imo that seperates men from women. Men have the balls to push for what they are after, go after what they are interested in and in such a way that leaves only two options for their counterpart, to continue the interaction or to run for it. Directness, clarity, lead, action. Ofcourse having a set of balls means that any failure will be taken on the chin and quick recovery will follow. The theory is that once enough comfort / interest are built, noone will be running anywhere
    Don't cry, don't regret and don't blame
    Weak find the whip, willing find freedom
    Towards the sun, carry your name
    In warm hands you are given
    Ask the wind for the way
    Uncertainty's gone, your path will unravel
    Accept all as it is and do not blame
    God or the Devil
    ~Born to Live - Mavrik~

  13. #43
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    San Diego, CA
    My problem is I'm just a few inches short of getting laid basically 24/7. I'm talking vertically here people. I think I would simply be too powerful an individual at 5'10'' so the karmic wheel shorted me a quarter-foot.

    F*ck you, karmic wheel. F*ck you.

  14. #44
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    Dec 2006
    here is my favorite one to ask

    "have u ever killed a man before? i have."

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