Ya, I know, I'm sure I sound desperate. Am not usually this way. I've been lonely for some reason lately although I have lots of friends & seeing other guys, so I guess have been feeling more "needy". There was just something about him that made me love getting to know him and being friends. He understood me & was really intuitive, fun, & well-rounded. We shared really deep stuff when we talked & always had a great time together, so I guess it's just hard to let that go. And to think that he didn't feel the same. But I will in time.

I wasn't sure if I'd ever hear from him again after "the talk", & was not going to ever call. But then the 2 calls from him since Christmas threw me off. To me that said "I want to keep talking to you often", so I thought, cool-this is going to be nice to keep friendship instead of totally cutting things off. But I'll be playing it cool from now on. Guys are so hard to understand