I think there are plenty of men out there that are divorced, adjusted and productively working for you to date. You have to keep in mind that even if they have a good job, they are probably paying out a good portion of their income to support their kids and possibly ex too. In addition they may take on extra duties to participate more in their kids lives (i.e. taking, picking up from sports, after school activities, more visitation than scheduled or required).
What you don't want is someone who is single, or who has no children. That will be a physical relationship only, keeping in mind of course that they will 'say' the right things about liking kids, not minding ex's etc., to get in your pants until the reality of responsibility rears it's ugly head.
I don't know what you're looking for in the long run. Someone well adjusted to date? I think you'll find that sooner than not. Someone well adjusted to move-in, participate in raising your kids 24/7, deal with your ex, while also trying to take care of and spend time with their own kids as much as possible and deal with their ex, that kind of scenario more than likely is not going to happen. A man like that is going to be content and keep his own space, deal with his own responsibilities. Why move in to deal with yours also?
The only type of guy in a similar situation who's going to throw themselves into 'your' life 24/7 are one's who need financial help (i.e. it's easier to live with you for free and deal with your kids so he can pay for his own situation easier).
Be realistic about your expectations.