I am going to paddle you.
I've never seen you be wrong about grammar before. I feel closer to you......
You're too drunk to go to the bar?
Is is symptomatic of some emotional dysfunction or a straightforward chemical addiction to the substance?
You're pretty young, right? It hasn't ruined your health yet? Clearly you're conscious of it as a problem, and it sounds like you want to stop drinking. I have some pretty strong opinions about that, so here's some admittedly unsolicited, yet heartfelt advice:
I suggest getting into therapy instead of AA. I believe that most treatment programs deal with drinking like it's the problem rather than the symptom of a more complicated problem. If you want the rest of your life to focus on the symptom, then by all means, consider AA. You can sit in a circle with a bunch of other self-righteous 12-steppers and have pissing contests about who was the bigger asshole when they drank.
OR you could identify and address wtf is going on that would make you think you were never gonna hook up- (what's that all about) and dissect the flawed logic that led you to conclude that drowning yourself in alcohol was any kind of solution.
I applaud your decision to exercise your own will. Clearly, you have the mental capacity to fool yourself, but I don't think you sound like someone who's full of shit, so I am optimistic about the outcome.
Aegis, speak to us of your drinking habits!
Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?