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Thread: im 19 years old, virgin... am i a loser?

  1. #31
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ekips
    To Don: Hey, guess what, you argued the same way OV did, line by line.
    Actually I didn't divide his post into one sentence chunks in quotes, and then take them out of context and ignore/missing the meaning behind it because I hadn't even read the entire post first.

    I did respond to many of his points but didn't do the "let me try and rip apart this one sentence, ok, next, ok next, ok next." I tried to respond to the whole post.

    I do admit I kinda lowered myself by even responding to it, but hey, work was very very slow

  2. #32
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    Right behind you
    Now advize haxor, this isn't an arguing place to see whos a better arguer. You can make a thread like that in General Discussion.

    "Only the Dead have seen the end of War."
    - Plato

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Don99

    Thank you for that. Thanks for proving my point. Another internet Ubermensch nihilist strikes again. Dividing a post line by line and not even reading what he is replying too. So much teenage angst man, when you finally get some it will go away I promise. Go read I Bleed For This, they did this exact same thing, they would find a post someone made, or an email. Divide it up and try as hard as they could to rip the person apart, usually losing the meaning in the proccess. Their biggest target? Anyone that had a real life.

    Case in point, you ask who Haxor is, when he is the one that started the thread. Come on man your wannabe-nihilist angst is cutting off the bloodflow to your brain I think.

    Let me point out some problems with your post without dividing it line by line.

    First you are the one that brought up A&F. I never said anything about it. I pointed out it was for kids before you even did. Also I don't think it is going out of style, that kind of look is very in from what I have seen. That is neither here nor there though. You completely changed what I was saying into what you dislike obviously. I don't care about A&F, but obviously people that wear A&F really bother you.

    I mentioned CS as in Computer Science, you would know this if you had actually read my posts instead of jumping the gun and making me a target for your internet angst.

    I have my minor in Computer Science. I was pointing out that CS majors that act half way "normal", try and dress with a little effort, work out at the gym, spend time outside so they don't look pale as a ghost, and bother to do something with their hair do just fine with women. However the guys that dress and act like typical computer nerd stereotypes usually don't get any girls at all. Say they aren't interested in all those "whores" anyway, and are just looking for a long term relationship.........yet they never seem to be in one, always in the "friend zone". As I pointed out there are exceptions to this rule but they are rare. This is the "rule" I was refering too, this would be obvious to you if you had actually read my post.

    THAT was my point. However keep talking about A&F or whatever.

    As for what a Nihilist is, I know exactly what a Nihilist is. Besides what I have read in Philosophy classes I also like to read Philosophy as a hobby. I was just at the bookstore like 2 days ago looking at books by Kierkegaard since I haven't read very much by him.

    You say you want a virgin because of people like me. What kind of people? I am really curious.

    The best part is though, as I said, I have already slept with a virgin. It isn't something I have to dream about to the point that I make it my name on an internet forum.

    I realize nothing I say will make a dent though, you are far too locked into the angsty internet nihilist persona to have any kind of real discussion. Whatever I say you will just pat yourself on the back for being so insightful when you are just running on self-defeating rage and not even understanding what I say.

    Just a closing quote for you:

    "He who despises himself nevertheless esteems himself as a self-despiser."

    Try and make some sense please. It is not my "dream" as you would put it to sleep with a virgin. I got your point from the beginning about how he should care for his looks or what ever. Maybe he doesnt care enough though..thats his problem? I doubt it. I personally am going to dress how ever the fawk I want and with what ever I want...all though if you would like to fund $60 pants for me you are more then welcome too lol. Your just making things up...I replied the way I did to you simply because you replied to me..not because of some vendetta I have in my self. You keep speaking of this "rule" and say your read philosophy but you seem to be a fool when responding. How about the fact that everything is reltaive? that is the most improtant thing to learn in philosophy..the fact of how little anything really matters. I never said I am some big bad nihilist...I just am a nihilist..thats it. Simple enough?. This guy doesnt need to change his appearance even though you seem to be so constipated on that area. All he needs to do is take some initiative...not to mention sometimes brain chemistry will attract a girl for you no matter what. Its really not to hard to understand that it really doesnt matter what you or anyone thinks. Explain to me why anyone should even care about what "look" is in?. Anyways...I can not speak for others but I am not on this "friends" list with girls that you say lol. I can have plunty of one night stands..I just am to lazy and do not take enough intiative to care...why should I? I prefer other things most of the time. I am also a VERY bad long term relationship guy lol...very. You know...I would go and read "I bleed for this" ..if only I actually cared enough lol.

    Oh..by the way..you answered my post "line by line" as well you hypocrite its just I spaced it to make it easier to read...you just shoved it into one long paragraph you ****ing moron.

    Thanks for proving my point
    No, thank you for proving my point. You completely changed the entire subject just to avoid the fact that what I posted was right..pathetic
    Last edited by Only-virgins; 11-08-05 at 10:07 AM.
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  4. #34
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    Georgia, USA
    Speak less. Say more.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by whaywardj
    Go to sleep.

    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Only-virgins
    Try and make some sense please. It is not my "dream" as you would put it to sleep with a virgin.

    (cut for space)

    Oh..by the way..you answered my post "line by line" as well you hypocrite its just I spaced it to make it easier to read...you just shoved it into one long paragraph you ****ing moron.

    No, thank you for proving my point. You completely changed the entire subject just to avoid the fact that what I posted was right..pathetic

    First things first, about "line by line", when talking to people on the internet you will respond to points made. However, what you did was divide my post into little one sentence or less chunks and reply to it, and you didn't even read it, I mean I mentioned A&F is for kids, then you go out and point out A&F is for kids, as if I never said it, then you don't even know what I mean when I say Haxor. I mentioned being a CS minor in a previous post, and you didn't even read it and just thought I meant Counter-Strike(lol).

    This is what I mean, you became so set on shooting me down you didn't even read my posts. That is what I mean by line by line. I am no hypocrite, I actually responded to your post and read what you said.

    Now back to the point which you have dragged us so far from:

    I don't even know Haxor, I don't know how he looks, I don't know anything about him at all. The name Haxor made me think he is a computer nerd(note: not saying that as an insult, I work for my uni's IT department as my student job, I love computers, hence having my minor in CS).

    I just made a post that guys that put a little bit of effort into thier appearance tend to do a lot better with women. Since most guys that are into computers enough to name themselves Haxor tend to not care about thier appearance, I thought I would mention that. First impressions go far, and if you put effort into your appearence it helps.

    A women even replied agreeing to this. Look at girls guys think are "hot", they generally dress well, get their hair cut, yadda yadda. This is not a difficult concept to understand.

    Obviously, me saying that really struck a nerve in you. Two posts later you are swearing at me. You bring up A&F, $60 jeans, and somehow suggest that I say he has to shave a lot..........I never mentioned any of this, this is all your bagage you are projecting onto the thread. I said whatever style he chooses or whatever, he should make a little effort.

    You even say you want a virgin because of "people like me". More evidence you are dragging personal issues into the thread.

    What kind of people? Who is "Them"?

    I just made common sense suggestion that if he wants to get a girl, putting a little effort into himself, maybe working out too, doing something besides computers would help.

    Then like a good little rage filled internet nihilist you are swearing at me and attempting to make me look stupid, when I am just stating the obvious.

    Whatever though, make me a target for your angst, unload more pent up rage at the world, call me more names and use more profanity at me.

    I seriously hope one day you get a hot virgin girl, it will probably mellow you out.

  7. #37
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    It's enjoyable for me to see OV ringing this guy's bell so well.
    Speak less. Say more.

  8. #38
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    Too Don99: I am just going to reply like this since you think quoting what you say is ...uhhh...wierd or whatever you said. First of all..I DID read everything you wrote before I replied..The letters "CS" are an extremely popular way to refer to counter-strike. I could have read it a million times and still thought it was CS..or I mean counter strike. Just think of it this way..if I said CS and meant counter strike and your replied with "computer science"...what then?..it is reversed then. Your problem is you come in here and assume right away just that because this guy's name is "haxor" that he is a computer nerd and can not dress well. That is pretty lame. I am aware that you did not bring up A&F but I DID ..so what?. Then bla bla bla you said a bunch of other crap I dont care about...then you said "mellow you out". Thats hallarious...I am the most laid back guy with in a 1000 mile radius most likely lol. I just like to reply to stupid garbage posts like yours...its a bad habit..I know .Oh and I never mentioned A&F is for kids...I only high lighted "high school". I mentioned that A&F look is played out.

    By the way. This is the definition of angst: A feeling of anxiety or apprehension often accompanied by depression. I can not even begin to comprehand how that implies to my posts.

    Quote Originally Posted by whaywardj
    It's enjoyable for me to see OV ringing this guy's bell so well.
    Even OV is enjoying OV ringing this guy's bell so well.
    Last edited by Only-virgins; 11-08-05 at 03:38 PM.
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  9. #39
    Tone's Avatar
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    I don't see it that way at all.

    Match - Don.

  10. #40
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    First thing, it has been like what, 2 or 3 posts since you have said it but you keep refusing to explain. You said you want to sleep with a virgin because of people like me. What kind of people am I? Who are "us" or "they" or whoever.

    Explain yourself please. Now given the content of your other posts you will probably say "lOL Stupid ****in morons haha" but that isn't what you meant.

    What kind of people make you only want virgins?

    Quote Originally Posted by Only-virgins
    ...snipped for space...

    The letters "CS" are an extremely popular way to refer to counter-strike. I could have read it a million times and still thought it was CS..or I mean counter strike. Just think of it this way..if I said CS and meant counter strike and your replied with "computer science"...what then?..it is reversed then.
    That would be a valid point if I had not already said I was a CS minor and I know a lot of CS majors, of course you didn't even bother to read this post before replying to me, being so dead set on trying to argue with me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Only-virgins
    Your problem is you come in here and assume right away just that because this guy's name is "haxor" that he is a computer nerd and can not dress well. That is pretty lame. I am aware that you did not bring up A&F but I DID ..so what?. Then bla bla bla you said a bunch of other crap I dont care about...then you said "mellow you out". Thats hallarious...I am the most laid back guy with in a 1000 mile radius most likely lol. I just like to reply to stupid garbage posts like yours...its a bad habit..I know .Oh and I never mentioned A&F is for kids...I only high lighted "high school". I mentioned that A&F look is played out.
    I have already explained myself multiple times, but you are so set on "pwning" me or whatever that you still just ignore it, fine, I will explain myself another time in a different way so maybe it will sink in this time:

    Based off of being into computer for my whole life, and most of my friends being into computers, and working in the IT field, and being into games, and having my minor in Computer Science....I can say that most guys into computers enough that they would call themselves Haxor don't put much effort into how they look at all. Now as I said this isn't set in stone, there are exceptions, I have already explained this to you, I know guys that have got a 4.0 and gone on to grad school easily, and they do fine with women.

    They all have something in common though, they all dress well, put a little bit of effort into themselves, have other hobbies but computers. I mentioned in my very first post I know a lot of guys that are into computers but get girls.

    So there goes that argument.

    Also, rarely, a full on computer nerd that looks acts and dresses the part gets girls, this is not common though.

    I mention that guys who dress well get girls and that set off a switch in you, you should read your first reply to me.

    Also you said high school, I said its for kids, we were talking about the same thing.......I think everyone realized this but you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Only-virgins
    By the way. This is the definition of angst: A feeling of anxiety or apprehension often accompanied by depression. I can not even begin to comprehand how that implies to my posts.
    I am sorry you had to type angst into Google, but if you would look down the list you would see there are plenty of meanings for the word. One of those is in general a young person that is full of anger, and thinks life is meaningless and bleak, it is very common in net kids.

    This is what I am refering too, your lack of reading my posts, and jumping to profanity and calling me names in like two posts is the classic sign of being an angst kid, also railing against "people like" me.

    Oh yeah, being an internet nihilist is a big sign too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Only-virgins
    Even OV is enjoying OV ringing this guy's bell so well.
    When you are ringing my bell I will let you know, I am assuming most people you argue with tire of your inability to hold a conversation and instead nit picking word definitions and calling people names. They ignore you, at which time like a good internet nihilist, you proclaim yourself the victor.

    Guys that put effort into thier appearence do well with women. No matter how you try to fudge it. You know this and it is easy to tell when one reads between the lines of your posts.

    I stand by what I said, and you haven't made one valid point to show otherwise.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilwing89
    don't argue with OV
    cause everytime, he will shred up your post and make you feel like a fool...line..by line....by line.

    I'm immune to his shredding.

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee

    I'm immune to his shredding.
    Everyone is by default I believe.

  13. #43
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    Oooo. Good one, Don.

    Match - Don
    Speak less. Say more.

  14. #44
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    Hey hey.

    I want a rematch.

  15. #45
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    LoL, he just quoted everything I said line by line. First of all how come you think my goal was to prove that people who dress well do not get girls?. That wasn't it. It has been 2 or 3 posts that I have not answered what kind of people make me want virgins mainly because I just dont care....if you must know though...you and santa clause...I dont know why..his fat-ness makes me want a virgin and your hypocricy as well. Why? I dont know and do not care. Oh...and I know I am ringing your bell..thanks to your book length replies lol.

    I also didnt google it. I don't use google. I yahoo you moron.

    Quote Originally Posted by Don99
    I have already explained myself multiple times, but you are so set on "pwning" me or whatever that you still just ignore it, fine, I will explain myself another time in a different way so maybe it will sink in this time:
    I am set on pwning you? ..suuuuuure...you keep telling yourself that. Dont bother explaining anything any other way...either way you explain it you are still wrong.
    Last edited by Only-virgins; 12-08-05 at 12:13 PM.
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

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