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Thread: How do you deal with people at work???

  1. #31
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    I really don't get women sometimes.. they're so caught up in the little stuff going on in their own lives they don't give a damn about anyone else. We need more nice compassionate people in this world. I think that's why most of my friends are males.. they don't deal with petty stuff. They don't *****, and they're not particularly impressed if you own a house or if you're broke and only just able to afford rent.

  2. #32
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    I hang out with guys and girls. And I have seen my male friends ***** about dumb shit before lol. Did you ever see American Psycho? All they cared about was getting into the best restaurant and having the nicest things. I think it all depends on how you were raised, not really your gender. But I do agree with you missguided, that we need more compassionate people.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Junsui
    I hang out with guys and girls. And I have seen my male friends ***** about dumb shit before lol. Did you ever see American Psycho? All they cared about was getting into the best restaurant and having the nicest things. I think it all depends on how you were raised, not really your gender. But I do agree with you missguided, that we need more compassionate people.
    Junsui , those guys are called gays , or metrosexuals ... or bisexuals ... faggets . those type of "guys" give "MEN" a bad name ... i see some of my friends , if it was back then , they would get beaten just for wearing those pants in public ...thank god im not like that .

    btw , the guy in american psycho was kinda metrosexual , faggety , he liked to watch himself ****ing whores ... not to mention his 2 hour beaty marathon every morning .

  4. #34
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    Yes, in that movie Patrick was a little homo acting. From my experience though, usually men that come from a more wealthy family or have made a lot of money themselves are more preoccupied with material things.

  5. #35
    Rosebud's Avatar
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    Awww frenchy! You are too cute! I agree with everyone else on here about that girl. She's just got a ton of issues and unfortunately at work you have to deal with people like that. For some reason there is always at least one. You probably spend most of your time there at work rather than at home so it seems like your work is your home, and I know how hard it can be to ignore someone like that. But you know as long as your doing your job and your getting everything done that's really all you can do. People are always going to stay stuff but it makes you a better person for not going to their level.

    I'm sorry to hear you have Lupus, one of my relatives had it a couple years back so and I know how serious it can be. I'm very happy to hear it's under control for you!

    If you can't handle the thorns, don't crave the rose!!

  6. #36
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    I've never seen American Psycho...

    People talk about it alot though.. maybe I should go hire it.

  7. #37
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    Yeah! You should see it. It's a little out there though.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by missguided.rose
    I've never seen American Psycho...

    People talk about it alot though.. maybe I should go hire it.
    HIRE ??? woah , watch the movie first , ill doubt you would like to "hire" HIM ... just kidding , i know what you meant ... its to rent .

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by missguided.rose
    I really don't get women sometimes.. they're so caught up in the little stuff going on in their own lives they don't give a damn about anyone else. We need more nice compassionate people in this world. I think that's why most of my friends are males.. they don't deal with petty stuff. They don't *****, and they're not particularly impressed if you own a house or if you're broke and only just able to afford rent.
    Yes I know I don't get them too...

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Junsui
    I hang out with guys and girls. And I have seen my male friends ***** about dumb shit before lol. Did you ever see American Psycho? All they cared about was getting into the best restaurant and having the nicest things. I think it all depends on how you were raised, not really your gender. But I do agree with you missguided, that we need more compassionate people.
    No I never see this movie, how is it?

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rosebud
    Awww frenchy! You are too cute! I agree with everyone else on here about that girl. She's just got a ton of issues and unfortunately at work you have to deal with people like that. For some reason there is always at least one. You probably spend most of your time there at work rather than at home so it seems like your work is your home, and I know how hard it can be to ignore someone like that. But you know as long as your doing your job and your getting everything done that's really all you can do. People are always going to stay stuff but it makes you a better person for not going to their level.

    I'm sorry to hear you have Lupus, one of my relatives had it a couple years back so and I know how serious it can be. I'm very happy to hear it's under control for you!

    Hi Rosebud! How are you? Yes I know you right about as long as I do my job and I am getting everything done that's really all I can do.

    Yes that true its suck when you pass more time at work then at home!!!
    I really like what I am doing at work but the rest I don't really care about!!!

    Yes that really Suck about Lupus, It a crazy disease, that why they call it the disease with a 1000 faces... because they never know what it will attack next.. well really its your own body attacking your own body... its pretty crazy and freaky when you think about it...but that life...that what piss me off about that girl she has no feeling for no one except herself... she said "TAKE A PILL AND YOU'LL BE OK..." wow...

  12. #42
    Rosebud's Avatar
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    I'm good frenchy! And u?

    yeah I know there's horrible people out there and somehow we always seem to run into them. I hope your boss at one point in time, actually sees this girl for who she is, and then she notices she gossiping more than she is working. I wish I had better advice for you but those situations are really hard to handle considering most of it is out of your control..

    Yes I agree that Lupus is really your body attacking your body. It's a very complicated disease. I wish you the best in handling your disease. And I know exactly how you feel about what that girl said but that's because she's very narrow minded and unless it happens to her she will never understand what it's like.
    If you can't handle the thorns, don't crave the rose!!

  13. #43
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    Hi Rosebud!

    Yes I am good, did not come to work yesterday, I was very tired but I sleep a lots so I feel better!!!!
    Getting ready for Christmas, grrr... It always a problem with my bf sister, they never happy what what they get with them its always $$$$ what they can get the most expensif... CRAZY AND STRESSFUL but this year I told myself that its enough, they both know that my bf is not working for the last year so now they get what they get...lol...

    Got they are so bad that last year one of her sister got me for Christmas a watch...hum.. well it was her old watch, can you imagine that...so i shout my mouth and did not say nothing... but dam the watch broke 2 days after...lol.. so I was not too too impres...

    Yes that true that sometime people like that don't realise until they get it themself... or if someone has it in their family!!!! Then they might care...

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Late_vamp
    HIRE ??? woah , watch the movie first , ill doubt you would like to "hire" HIM ... just kidding , i know what you meant ... its to rent .
    *laughs* Yes, to "rent" I shall never make the mistake of using the word hire again

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