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Thread: Another 'taking a break' situation

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    well, i hit a few bars last night and decided to stop by 'our' apartment to see if she was there. She wasn't so i went ahead and went in (was just going to leave if she was there). So i go in and i check some stuff on my computer there, then i text message her asking if i could stay the night. She messaged me back saying "maybe tomorrow or thursday". I just said "ok, bye" and when she kept messaging me back asking if i was mad, i didnt respond.

    Jump to this morning... I have to go take a drug test and the testing place is half a mile from the apartment. So i swing by the apartment to see if my suspicions are true. YEP. His truck is parked out back. So i just open the front door, look on the couches so she can't say he just slept on the couch, then i left. I was so tempted to just barge into the bedroom, tell her to have a nice life, take my digital camera, load up my computer with them in bed, and leave.

    Did i do the right thing in just walking away or should i have just thrown it all in her face and never speak to her again?

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    its funny how i can relate with ur situation. I am in the same situation as u, but im in ur so call girlfriend's shoe and u in my so call boyfriend's shoe. except he's seeing someone and i am also. But we still love each other. Now i know "somewhat" how he feels. thanks. But i can honestly say seeing in her point of view. She still has feelings for you. She wants her cake and eat it 2. Its hard to make decisions, especially when it involves other people. I agreed he's a distraction to her decision. If u love her set her free...if she comes back to u she's urs forever, if she doesn't, it was never meant to be....its true. Love hurts. Im hurting too

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    wow venus... i just had that conversation with my best friends fiance. We brought up both those sayings "if you love someone set them free" and "if someone leaves you and comes back they are yours forever".

    I met with her tonight, she told me that her and this guy have become more than friends. She said she originally wanted it to stay that way but she found things about him she liked. She said she regrets ever starting to hang out with him because it caused a lot of stress between us.

    I came out with everything as well. I told her how i felt about her lies and told her i read her journal. i just said "so i guess this is goodbye?" and she said "for now, but i will still want to see you."

    It hurts so bad to say goodbye to the woman i love, i dont think it has really set in yet.... but i know she is gone now, and i have to move on with my life... it just hurts.

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