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Thread: I'm not good with women so I appologize if these are simple questions

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Yeah.....I have yet to hear you say that you actually set up plans. Why didnt you ask here what day is good? Have you set a date and she ignored it? If so, then forget her.

    Bottom line is that I dont recall you asking her out on a night which is good for you both - Just you 2 alone. I mean, she did call you....a girl doesnt call when shes not interested.
    Last edited by surfhb2; 31-07-13 at 08:10 AM.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Yeah, he keeps acting like he isn't interested. I don't get it really.

  3. #33
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    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by searock View Post
    Yeah, he keeps acting like he isn't interested. I don't get it really.
    Not really. He told her, point blank, about a restaurant he wanted to take her to on a date. It doesn't get much more blunt than that. She responded by saying she's busy and maybe they'll make it happen sometime. That's an obvious rejection, or the girl just doesn't know what she wants. Either way, she's not particularly interested.

    OP, when you try to make plans with a girl, the two acceptable responses are, "Yes, XXX works," or "No, XXX doesn't work, but I can do YYY night."

    Why waste your time with someone who is noncommittal?

  4. #34
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by surfhb2 View Post
    I mean, she did call you....a girl doesnt call when shes not interested.
    Disagree. She could call because she's needy, wants attention, just wants a friend, etc. Her calling him doesn't necessarily mean anything as far as a relationship goes.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by HDBadger View Post
    Not really. He told her, point blank, about a restaurant he wanted to take her to on a date. It doesn't get much more blunt than that. She responded by saying she's busy and maybe they'll make it happen sometime. That's an obvious rejection, or the girl just doesn't know what she wants. Either way, she's not particularly interested.
    No: she said she can't that day. She also said she would like it to happen another time. He then proceeded to tell her it won't happen before he leaves (for some obscure reason). That's when she felt that he wasn't interested and so she hung up.

    He should call her, ask her if Saturday is ok for her, make it absolutely clear that it's going to be just the two of them. If she says she can't on Saturday, he should ask her to tell him when she can. If she doesn't answer or gives a vague answer, that's when he'll know that she isn't interested. It's simple, and either way it won't take away much of his time, it's just a simple phone call.

  6. #36
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    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by HDBadger View Post
    Disagree. She could call because she's needy, wants attention, just wants a friend, etc. Her calling him doesn't necessarily mean anything as far as a relationship goes.
    Well Obviously is a generalize statement but very doubtful based on this thread.

    But generally, girls don't call unless they're interested....that's just a plain fact
    Last edited by surfhb2; 31-07-13 at 06:50 PM.

  7. #37
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    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by searock View Post
    No: she said she can't that day. She also said she would like it to happen another time. He then proceeded to tell her it won't happen before he leaves (for some obscure reason). That's when she felt that he wasn't interested and so she hung up.

    He should call her, ask her if Saturday is ok for her, make it absolutely clear that it's going to be just the two of them. If she says she can't on Saturday, he should ask her to tell him when she can. If she doesn't answer or gives a vague answer, that's when he'll know that she isn't interested. It's simple, and either way it won't take away much of his time, it's just a simple phone call.
    Yeah....the op needs to be a little more forward. Ask her what day is best....no answer or vague then move on.

  8. #38
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    May 2011
    This is where having some dating experience from a guy's perspective comes in handy.

    The "I'd love to, but [insert excuse here]" is 99% of the time a rejection. If someone is really into you, she'll make it easy on you to see her. Would she be too busy Saturday or Sunday to meet Channing Tatum for an hour?

    Could this girl be the exception? Of course! But, as a guy, I'm trying to spare the OP more headaches. I've dealt with way too many women who would have "loved to go on a date" with me, but had vacation/work/the death of a long lost great-aunt conveniently get in the way.

    Cut your losses OP.

  9. #39
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    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by HDBadger View Post
    Not really. He told her, point blank, about a restaurant he wanted to take her to on a date. It doesn't get much more blunt than that. She responded by saying she's busy and maybe they'll make it happen sometime. That's an obvious rejection, or the girl just doesn't know what she wants. Either way, she's not particularly interested.

    OP, when you try to make plans with a girl, the two acceptable responses are, "Yes, XXX works," or "No, XXX doesn't work, but I can do YYY night."

    Why waste your time with someone who is noncommittal?
    Actually it seems to me the OP has been the non committal one here.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by HDBadger View Post
    The "I'd love to, but [insert excuse here]" is 99% of the time a rejection.
    False - people can be busy, it doesn't have to be an excuse. He needs to ask her "tell me a day that works for you" and if she can't come up with a day, then he'll know she isn't interested.

    I'm trying to spare the OP more headaches.
    One simple phone call is hardly a headache.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by HDBadger View Post
    This is where having some dating experience from a guy's perspective comes in handy.

    The "I'd love to, but [insert excuse here]" is 99% of the time a rejection. If someone is really into you, she'll make it easy on you to see her. Would she be too busy Saturday or Sunday to meet Channing Tatum for an hour?

    Could this girl be the exception? Of course! But, as a guy, I'm trying to spare the OP more headaches. I've dealt with way too many women who would have "loved to go on a date" with me, but had vacation/work/the death of a long lost great-aunt conveniently get in the way.

    Cut your losses OP.
    Before he cuts his losses I'd think it wise to actually ask her when she available? Lol. No where in this thread has the op actually stepped up to the plate and asked her a place and time from this women since they both been busy

  12. #42
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    Maybe we're debating semantics here. I guess we really don't know how upfront the OP was since we weren't standing there. I still think he's wasting his time from this point out, but if he really wants to be absolutely sure, he can say, "I want to take you on a date August 10 at 6 p.m. to. XXX restaurant." She either says yes, or no I can't do that date but I can do
    August 11. Anything else is a no.

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    There's still the fact she's calling him

    I'm betting he'll get his date if he just just gets some balls and tells her he needs a time and day from this girl.

  14. #44
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by HDBadger View Post
    "I want to take you on a date August 10 at 6 p.m. to. XXX restaurant." She either says yes, or no I can't do that date but I can do August 11. Anything else is a no.
    If she says "I can't do that date" and doesn't say when she can, he should ask her when she can. If she doesn't say when she can or gives a vague answer, he'll know she isn't interested.

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Another thing.....he's asking her For a date on the same day. Not always the best plan OP

    pick a day a week or week and a half from now....there's no rush

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