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Thread: The Boyfriend

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Most likely an only child; (constant need for attention)

    Or a neglected child; (longing & thirst for attention)

    You're clearly the type of person who thinks "jealousy" is "hot" and shows that the other person cares about you..

    You also feel very insecure about yourself; seeking constant validation from your boyfriend and his feelings for you.. it's as if he doesn't shower you with attention every 5 minutes, you feel as if you're not in control, as if you don't have power in the relationship anymore, and as if you're fighting to win his favor.. (you'd clearly prefer if things would be in your favor).. but this is a mind-game you're playing on your own..

    Quite honestly.. I'm a guy, and if my GF wants to go out, let her go out.. if she wants to get drunk and come back home late; more power to her.. I really don't care.. but it's not because I don't care about HER.. I just don't care what SHE WANTS TO DO.. the two are not the same..

    Prediction: YOU are going to eventually end things with your boyfriend.. (no, it's not going to happen now just because I said it).. you're going to break things off because you're in constant search of satisfying your insecurity with petty-girly attention & validation, and you need to set up these drama-traps to feel satisfied.. very sad..
    If you can't stop the Wind, then you can't stop the Storm.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by blauw View Post
    Aren't u only upset he picked his ex-girlfriend up from the station?
    And that he didn't pick u up that night ?

    Maybe a lil jealous ?
    jealous? yeah i suppose, were only human.
    It comes and goes. So im over that now. Just as long as he didnt do anything silly im fine with it. And no i didnt want him to pick me up cause he lives 30mins away - its a hassle in that time of the night. Usually he doesnt sleep until im home safe but this time he didnt go through the usual "i'll give you a buzz to check if your home babe".

    I'll talk to him on a weekend about it so his not stress from work =)

    PS. Theres no point in continuing this thread anymore because no one really understands this situation apart from the bickering posts. And yes, I've learnt better thankyou.
    Anyway. cyaa xx
    Last edited by just.Her; 16-01-08 at 11:22 AM.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    i understand why u got upset at the fact that he knew ur situation and still ddnt call to see if u got home safely.. i use to be like that but then one day i jus decided to give him a break...he has fun when hes out wit his friends, jus like i do, he trusts me to make the right decisions and i do for him also... yea it still bugged me on the lil things like not calling..even for those 2 min calls... jus to let me know whats up or hes thinking of me..etc... so i gave him his space but not ina bitchy way..very respecting and trusting...and now hes the one who calls me all the time even if it is to let me know what hes up to...our relationship has been happy and healthy ever since... i dunno if im makin sense lol but its all clear in my mind lol

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by just.Her View Post
    OK GUYS ! =)

    I have a situation on my hands.
    Me, 19 currently a student @ a local university in my country.
    I've been dating my boyfriend for about a year.

    Say what? JUST a year u say? well.. not just a year.. it felt like AGES.
    There were a few problems evrynow and then. And they were mostly about communication and my feelings.
    We didnt communicate much when it came what we both think of things or how we feel. I would be the one in the relationship telling him how i feel and i just want him to understand.
    me: i rang you yesterday and told you i was at a party with my girlfriends, i didnt knw how to get home remember? worst case i was going to cab (taxi) it home at 3am alone. why didnt you call me to check up on me if i was home yet? or even rang to check if i ended up finding a trust worthy person who could get me home? do you even care about me?
    him: Whats wrong with catching a taxi home?
    me: what? do you even care?
    him: im joking
    me: im not playing jokes! im serious okay...
    him: how am i suppose to know when you were leaving the party

    His a very stubborn person. Is he scared to tell me how he feels? i want to understand him and let him understand me
    Based off of this and your responses, this relationship will fail, and all your future relationships (short of having a spineless bitch of a boyfriend), will fail if you do not change your mindset.

    You are definitely stubborn if 6+ different people, all with different experiences disagree with you.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    If you're in search of a spineless bitch, you may be able to find one on this forum. We get a lot of that around here. Do a search for "grow a sack" and see what you come up with.
    Spammer Spanker

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