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Thread: Getting a new tattoo

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by billy
    idk tho cause i dont know what it feels like yet - but i will in 6 days !!! W00T !! yeah thats right ! I'm getting a tat also this weekend. It will be on my arm tho. idk of what exactly - I'm still drawing it.
    Dude. Take your time. Do NOT rush a body modification that will last you a lifetime. When I got my first tat, I planned it for three weeks (from date of wanting one, to picking one, to having it done). This tat I picked out, had the artist modify it (for a fee), went back to check if I like it, and am going to wait a few weeks to get it started. DON'T BE IN A RUSH OR YOU MAY END UP WITH REGRET THAT YOU WILL NEED TO LASER OFF!!!! (Allright. I'm done with the 'mother' speech.)
    Quote Originally Posted by billy
    But I know that its going to be barbed wire that wraps all the way around my arm (i heard to get it all the way around hurts like a bitch, but i want it done)...
    Yeah. It does hurt like a bitch. The guy had one tissue to wipe the blood as he was inking, and gave me one to wipe the tears while he was doing it. It'll hurt PARTICULARLY in that pressure point on the inside of the arm, and for me the tricep. The rest wasn't bad for me. But think of it as maybe an hour or two of pain, and a lifetime of happiness.
    Quote Originally Posted by billy
    I dont know where to go yet tho
    ANOTHER reason to take your time. Do your research on places. Ask people who have a lot of tattoos what places around are clean and very reputable. Ask what artists are better than others. I ended up at a place that is EXTREMELY clean, and is headed by one of the best tattoo artists on the East Coast. Therefore I know that he's not going to hire just ANYONE. In order to get a job there you have to have a full resume, and have had your work published in a few magazines. [url]www.shotsiestattoo.com[/url] in case you're interested in seeing the guy I used (I'm working with "Dan"). Won't be of use to you since you're in TX, but don't rush it in six days. Wait another week or two or three if you haven't found a really good place. Last thing you want is a ****ed up, and permanent scar.

  2. #32
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    this is my theory. simple tats are the best. althought the really detailed ones do look intreging, i think that natural will take its toll in the long run. when your body doesn't have the skin of a teenager anymore, the really detailed tats well become stretched out. simple tats tend to last better because you can still see what was meant to be seen. raverboy
    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Illusional
    this is my theory. simple tats are the best. althought the really detailed ones do look intreging, i think that natural will take its toll in the long run. when your body doesn't have the skin of a teenager anymore, the really detailed tats well become stretched out. simple tats tend to last better because you can still see what was meant to be seen. raverboy
    But by the time your body gets old enough to stretch THAT much, the tats will have served their purpose in the prime of your life. I wouldn't mind having the twenty middle, best years of my life with a cool detailed tat only to have it stretch and fade by the time I'm too old to care and probably have a family and have lived life to the fullest already.

    Live the moment, man.

    Rod Steele

  4. #34
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    Anyone elce got pics of their tats, or ones they plan on having?
    Ive planned on having [URL=http://www.zazzweb.purplecloud.net/tattoo/design2test.jpg]This One[/URL].
    The symbols on the left mean 'Eternal Dream' and the ones on the right mean 'Awaken to Love'.
    As you can see I plan on having it on the top of my arm (I put the pic on a guys arm to see what it might look like there -yeah Im a PhotoShop boff)
    Now I have my design Im looking about for a good parlor and at the same time doing a bit of soul-searching, I want to be absolutly sure I want a tattoo, people say Im not the type of person to get a tattoo, while at the same time this design is definatly me. It might take a while before I make a final decision, depending wether or not I would still like it in 20 years time.

  5. #35
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    That's a damned cool tattoo. As for the twenty year comment, people asked me that. I told them that by the time 20 years has gone by, it'll have served its purpose (impressing people at the beach/pool/etc.) during the prime of my life.

    Rod Steele

  6. #36
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    I am 100% sure I want a tat. I have been wanting one for a bit over 2 years now... but I wanted my arms to be a decent size first (not fat nor boney, but muscular). I have the arms to do it now. It will look damned good.

    Yeah, I understand about finding a good clean place with great artists.. And My mom has refered me to a great place that does it well.. But like I said - this week is my plan/draw time. And in the planning I am going to be talking to friends and doing research on places. I dont want to pay a shit load of money, but yet i dont want to have it **** me up or look like shit.

    ok, **** it - i dont care if anyone takes my idea - but I like the whole barbed wire thing, right.. well - i dont just want barbed wire wrapped around my arm. I want it to look as if parts of it dig into my skin and have a few blood driplets (or spots).. I have it PREFECT in my head and it will look damed good.

    Not just the thorns (spikes) will dig into the skin, but part of the wire will look as if it has been buried under skin... Idk how to describe it, cause yet again i am bad with words... but in my head its PERFECT. I should have a rough sketch of it by tonight or tomorrow and show you it. And when i get the final draft on paper (full detail with color at a high quality) I will show you guys. Then I will have to shop around for an artist that can draw it. I will make them draw it on paper first as I watch. If they do a good job, then I let them draw on my skin...

    Thats basically how I am going about doing this whole ordeal. I'm not gonna go to the $20 tattoo place down the street from here that I've never seen have any customers, ever. But more like a busy busy place thats always having customers. That kind of place is worth me checking into. etc etc etc...


    I will draw my tat soon.

  7. #37
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    alex, yeah that is also true. however i just got mines where i can always conceal it and only show it off when i want to.

    and lucid, that is a nice tat. red is my fav color and i always thought about getting kanji in red. i wanted to then outline it in black but i hopefully will always stick with just one tattoo. raverboy
    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  8. #38
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    Mine's are both concealable areas also. Just in case I get an important interview I want to make sure that even a short sleeve button down will cover them.

    That tat sounds cool Billy. Depending on how far you want to go, they can put implants under your skin that will stay there forever giving it a TRUE 3D look. That's truly BEYOND the call of duty though, soldier.

    Rod Steele

  9. #39
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    holy hell ! implants dont sound cool... I'll just stick with ink. lol

  10. #40
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    Yeah that sounds like a great idea!
    By advice though is dont have it going under the skin too many times, ones is probaly enough, and dont go over the top with the blood. Remember, less is more.
    Experement with how many times you want it to go under, and how much blood you want when you do your sketches. Too much will make it look tacky.

    Apart from that, it sounds like a great idea

  11. #41
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    implants on a guy never sounded cool. raverboy
    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by LucidDream
    Yeah that sounds like a great idea!
    By advice though is dont have it going under the skin too many times, ones is probaly enough, and dont go over the top with the blood. Remember, less is more.
    Experement with how many times you want it to go under, and how much blood you want when you do your sketches. Too much will make it look tacky.

    Apart from that, it sounds like a great idea
    less is more.. good point. I was browsin thru alot of sites trying to see if anyone has a similar tat to the one thats in my head - and i found none, but i found this one guy that had what looked like 3 scratch marks that had his skin tear open and underneath you could see the american flag - he had the scratch drawn on and it had a bit of blood dripping from the bottom and the whole thing looked good except for the blood - idk, it just looked like 'too much' blood...

  13. #43
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    in my own little cube of insanity.
    go you! I'm actually getting another in a few months. this guy is booked...but the work he does is unbelievable.
    (question and answer of the day)

    why put on this macho thing?

    hello... why do you think they are the stronger species??? its the male ego. all have it. it's when they use it. lmao

    hell and they wonder why there are so many lesbians today.

    i think they all must of watched this movie in grade school while we watched that horrible "puberty movie" and theirs was "what to say to a girl....by men, for men"

  14. #44
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    lucid, i was just thinking.. you are planning on getting this tattoo right?? well who already has this tat?? wouldn't you be copying something that someone already has?? don't you want to be unique?? and i would think that this other person wouldnt' want someone else to have the exact same tattoo.. maybe you should try thinking about this and redrawing it to make it a little different, or better yet.. completely redesign it. just a thought. raverboy
    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  15. #45
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    who said its a copy?

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