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Thread: Angry men

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sonrisa View Post
    if women were stronger they'd kick some male ass too! i know i would!
    fuk yeah! if a man hit me i would fight to the death.
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by misombra View Post
    what i think is crazy is that for every guy who's a beater, there's a woman who will take it and revel in the victim role.
    Exactly.. that's the saddest part of the whole thing.

    And for the record, men under 30, with few exceptions, are not men. So don't kid yourself, even after that, most men still don't grow up. We all know that women grow up faster, and are much more responsible, we just don't admit it that often. A lot of my guy friends seem to get married to someone who resembles their mom. Like for example, one of my friends loves to drive fast and drink a lot, if it weren't for his wife, and having a kid, by now he most likely would have been dead. She tells him to slow down and calm down, or whatever. I can be single because I don't need anybody to tell me not to be an idiot. I was an idiot throughout my teen years and I partied a lot, then life hit me and I realized that telling the truth, being honest and treating people with respect, is the only thing that really matters. Someone stop me from typing so much, I'm not on crack, I swear!!

    Quote Originally Posted by misombra View Post
    fuk yeah! if a man hit me i would fight to the death.
    I love hearing that, that is awesome! If every woman had that attitude, most guys would think twice about hitting a woman. Because men who hit women are cowards, they are weak, and as soon as you fight back they reveal how pathetic they really are.
    Last edited by Anomaly; 20-03-09 at 06:28 AM.

  3. #33
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    so what are you saying? are you saying that those women enjoy being abused?
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  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecojeanne View Post
    does this mean that men are more emotional? where as women are more calculated?
    I think women are more emotional. Men just respond differently to same situations. I agree with Giga it must be hormonal. Men and women serve different purposes.

    The men in your life sound like psychos eco. I never hit a woman. I think it's cowardly.
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  5. #35
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    well mish in fairness to them i can be very annoying, it wasn't entirely their fault...i'm too much of a smart arse and when they can't give a smart comment back they get angry, it's a regular occurrence in my life, i'm used it. it’s my fault really, they aren't psychos seriously, i'm really annoying

    but back to topic are women asking for it? is that what you guys are actually saying mis? guys? They want to be a victim that much….???
    Last edited by ecojeanne; 20-03-09 at 06:44 AM.
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  6. #36
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    Eco, I already gave you the answer you were fishing for. I'm not surprised your brothers and father wanted to beat the shit out of you because you resort to what is essentially mental prodding. You might as well be flicking them in the back of the head then try to fault them because you refuse to control your behavior.

  7. #37
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    hey! my dad never tried to hurt me! i'm asking further questions based on mis and anom's answers, i'm curious, are you angry?
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  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecojeanne View Post
    hey! my dad never tried to hurt me! i'm asking further questions based on mis and anom's answers, i'm curious, are you angry?
    Yeah, and I'd like to resolve it by punching you into submission because I can't control myself.

  9. #39
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    All over the damn place.
    I have absolutely no sympathy for women who will take a beating and come right back for another--assuming they have children thrown into the mix. Vile, selfish cunts deserving of every blow.

    If a woman has children and allows her husband to beat her those children should be taken away. Yet it seems whenever you turn on Cops there's some black-eyed slut swearing up and down that her husband is a good man while her children cower in the corner. Why the cops don't take the kids then and there I'll never know.
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  10. #40
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    well you know what gribble, that is fantastic for you, you will never be in that situation, how can you sit there and judge? how ridiculous, get a grip, when women have children they want the best for them and you know WHAT having a nuclear family and believing he will go back to being the way he used to be for the sake of the nuclear family is the highest of agendas for those women, it's extremely unfair for you to judge them when you don't know the complexities and feelings and hopes these women go thru
    Last edited by ecojeanne; 20-03-09 at 10:05 PM.
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  11. #41
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    I vote to ostracize Eco in the face.

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecojeanne View Post

    but back to topic are women asking for it? is that what you guys are actually saying mis? guys? They want to be a victim that much….???
    i didn't say they asked for it. i said that they take it.


    and yes. i've known some of these women. they don't hesitate to call whoever will listen to them and moan about what a shithead they're with, they suck the energy out of every one of their friends and family until they're isolated, and they still stick around.

    i've known women who have had multiple kids and still stay and take beatings while their kids are forced to watch/listen. fuking terrible.
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

  13. #43
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    All over the damn place.
    If what's best for the children mattered to these women they would find a way to take their children away no matter what it took. But they don't do that. They are weak, selfish failures. Hopefully their children grow up to realize that and abandon their worthless mothers to their equally worthless fathers.

    Unfortunately that doesn't happen very often and instead they grow up to dish out or receive beatings in front of their own children, thus ensuring that the cycle continues unabated.

    Worthless scum. If raising a child properly is so difficult perhaps they should have thought about that before deciding to bring one into this world just to give it a shitty life.
    Last edited by Gribble; 20-03-09 at 07:47 AM.
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    If people are good only because they fear punishment and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
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  14. #44
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    if someone beats and threatens you and bear in mind this is someone you would have trusted at some stage for them to be in your life...they change, you feel threatened but you remember when times were good and then you think about the stigma attached to being yet another single mom and how financially more difficult things will be and you think about the fact this is your kids dad, how do you leave? ok you make the decision to leave, he says he loves you like he used to, you think about the kids whom he never hurt (only you) you think it's worth the risk to your well being as long as the kids get their dad and don't become another statistic in regard to single families, then he doesn't live up to his promise no matter how much he convinced you, you feel devastated not only for you but for your kids, he tries again to convince you but this time threatens your life and you believe him and if you concede he says he will come hell or high water change coz he is depressed and it's a condition, it will get better he promises, he will get help, and on and on, how can you judge so harshly? the woman always makes decisions for the best for her kids and is willing to sacrifice a body and bruises here and there as long as the kids are alright until it gets too much which is a long time hoping and hoping....think how awful it is for a woman to ultimately realize things will never change and she now has to find a way out of this situation.....
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  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sonrisa View Post
    if women were stronger they'd kick some male ass too! i know i would!

    My ex used to shove me and threaten to hit me. I didn't know what to do about it, it made me feel very belittled and weak. He was struggling with me once and split my lip. I was shocked. Then I was pissed.

    The next time he threaten to slap me I stuck my face out and said "Do it. Do it, you piece of shit. Make sure you hit me hard enough to knock me out though, because if you don't I'm going to ****ing kill you." He stopped, and put down his hand and walked away in silence. I never would have actually hit him I don't think, but having the strength to say that to him just took all his power away and it felt awesome.

    I've never hit a man, and never will, even if they deserve it. I won't hit anyone. To me, people usually act out physically when they aren't intelligent or emotionally stable enough to handle a situation in an alternative matter.
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