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Thread: White Race

  1. #31
    Illusional's Avatar
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    who is a pure breed anymore??

    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mishanya View Post
    Is in decline

    White people in western societies are producing on average fewer, sometimes much fewer, than 2.1 children per family - the number of children required for the maintenance of a population. In every single country where white people are a majority the population (especially growth of white population) is either in decline or a at stand still

    And in the future it is set to continue to decline (at least for the next couple of decades)



    The population in Europe (the most populous white area) is set to decline to 7% of the world total by 2050 with no signs that it will show any growth. It was at more than 20% in 1800. If that rate continues the white population in the next couple of centuries will become quite insignificant on the world stage.


    Why that's the case is subject to intense speculation by different groups with different agendas. However I thought I would throw in a speculation of my own.

    Before I start I want to acknowledge the fact that there are good and bad people in every single culture. However, some cultures have undisputedly different characteristics (e.g. various degrees of cultural tolerances ad encouragement of certain behaviours), it's this characteristics that I would like to concentrate in this thread. So why is the white population in decline according to me, here are some of the reasons:

    - Drug consumption - illegal drugs travel from everywhere across the globe (Columbia, Afghanistan etc) into the countries with majority of white population which in comparison to other countries in the world have the highest demand

    - Alcohol problems, white people are drinking themselves to death

    - Decline in marriages and family planning in white people dominated countries

    - Majority of white people increasingly chose to start a family later on in life and have smaller families compared to other countries


    - People in countries with majority white population are increasingly having more problems forming relationships

    - People in countries with majority white population increasingly put career ahead of family, even if it means missing out on having a family all together



    My conclusions in regards to some of the findings and personal experience

    - People living in western white people cultures are more selfish and self gratification seeking than people living in other parts of the world in other cultures evidenced by their higher level of substance abuse, selfish interest seeking and greed (career / money over family).

    - People living in western white people cultures are more materialistic and material possession oriented than than people living in other parts of the world in other cultures

    - People living in western white people cultures are lazier when it comes to raising a family and forming long lasting interpersonal relationships as well as less willing to sacrifice their personal freedom for the sake of others than people living in other parts of the world in other cultures

    - People living in western white people cultures are less likely to believe in love and seemed to be more confused about the partner they want than people living in other parts of the world in other cultures

    - People living in western white people cultures mature slower (eternal youth syndrome, 30s are the new 20s, 40s are the new 30s) than people living in other parts of the world in other cultures


    The culture of white people has become saturated with corruption. We have embraced the "New Virtues" of experience and personal liberty over substance of deep and long lasting relationships.

    Let me tell you about the people I've met who didn't grow up in the white culture:

    - They are less likely to seek new experiences like experimentation with drugs and sex with multiple partners than people who grew up in western cultures
    - They are less likely to seek multiple partners before settling down with a partner than people who grew up in western cultures
    - They are less likely to frequent whore houses (also known as night clubs) than people who grew up in western cultures
    - They are less likely to seek more and more and push the boundaries having achieved a goal than people who grew up in western cultures (I.e. they seem to be more satisfied with the job they have, friends they have and relationships they are in than people who grew up in white people's cultures)
    - They are less likely to be confused about what they want in a partner than people who grew up in western cultures
    - They are more likely to believe in love and relationship longevity as opposed to some random chemicals in your brain than people who grew up in western cultures
    - They are more likely to seek deep and fulfilling relationships with people around them than people who grew up in western cultures
    - They are more likely to invest themselves more in understanding people around them and create solutions that will encourage relationship growth around them than people who grew up in western cultures

    So looking at all that, is it really any wonder that our white race is in decline?

    So if you want a stable, fulfilling, loyal and growth oriented relationship, do yourself a favour and seek someone from a love and spiritually enriched oriented culture that recognized the importance of relationship growth over endless corruption of the white devils.

    I am really sick and tired of being in the company of 20 and 30 year old something children who simply refuse to grow up


    I find it one of the modern age's great ironies that values kept an ethnic group breeding together happily, but dappling in the exotic for sexual sake until such time as western society lost many of it's shared values and now we're cross ethnically breeding for value and sex's sake.

    Total reversal for the committed types...

    Dating your own ethnicity is akin to backpacking.... fleeting at best.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Durian View Post
    I find it one of the modern age's great ironies that values kept an ethnic group breeding together happily, but dappling in the exotic for sexual sake until such time as western society lost many of it's shared values and now we're cross ethnically breeding for value and sex's sake.

    Total reversal for the committed types...

    Dating your own ethnicity is akin to backpacking.... fleeting at best.
    How come you didn't remove the picture from the quote?

    How inconsiderate. Shame on you and the next 20 generations after you.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastwish View Post
    Mish isn't a racist. He has always been a keen advocate for anti-racism.
    I know he isn't racist - it was just an idiotic choice of words. I'm sure you would have had something to say if he had said something similar about Asians. I've seen you get offended about things more benign than that before.

  5. #35
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    Vash is a white devil
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    In warm hands you are given
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    Uncertainty's gone, your path will unravel
    Accept all as it is and do not blame
    God or the Devil
    ~Born to Live - Mavrik~

  6. #36
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    Did anyone say....WHITE....DEVIL?

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldJ-8rTI1lU&feature=related"]YouTube - Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls "Passing The Tribe's Trials"[/ame]

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee View Post
    Okay, I'm just annoyed that your graphics require my screen to scroll sideways.

    Please fix that.
    Mish, I was going to read this thread but your pics ticked me off too.

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  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mishanya View Post
    Wherever I go I just can't seem to escape these self gratifying 'eternal baby' narcissists whose idea of a good time is to go to a night club get shit faced, get loaded with drugs have random sex with random people and spew everywhere.

    And looking at people who grew up in other cultures, they don't seem to be influenced by this, they don't have this problem.

    I live in a very multicultural city, and I can tell you that people of all races/cultures are equally as likely to drink and be promiscuous. I don't quite understand why you felt the need to attach these traits to caucasians.
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  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluesummer View Post
    I live in a very multicultural city, and I can tell you that people of all races/cultures are equally as likely to drink and be promiscuous. I don't quite understand why you felt the need to attach these traits to caucasians.
    Because it's the caucasian culture of the west that encourages this behaviour. Those growing up in the western culture (regardless of their ethnicity) have the most likelihood of becoming that type of a clone. Our culture is highly corruptive (in my humble opinion). Not to say other cultures don't corrupt they do, but nowhere near to this degree.
    Don't cry, don't regret and don't blame
    Weak find the whip, willing find freedom
    Towards the sun, carry your name
    In warm hands you are given
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    Uncertainty's gone, your path will unravel
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    God or the Devil
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  10. #40
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    the white devils stole land from the natives and put applebee's on it.
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

  11. #41
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    Well, to give a different example from Sri Lanka the case over there is that basically girls are usually unable to party at all without being labeled as "slutty", whereas guys can do whatever they want and instead have a tendency to go to parties at tourist resorts to find temporary caucasian girls because they're open for business, so to speak.

    Guess those gender differences show the two sides of the fence - either too restricted or too free - and unfortunately I haven't lived in a place yet where there's been a good balance between the two, but that would probably be optimal. Partying and having fun without having to resort to getting hammered, doing drugs and stirring up trouble.

  12. #42
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    This thread is FUBAR.

  13. #43
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    i love this thread lol.
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by misombra View Post
    the white devils stole land from the natives and put applebee's on it.
    Well it's not like it had anything better to do.

  15. #45
    bluesummer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mishanya View Post
    Because it's the caucasian culture of the west that encourages this behaviour. Those growing up in the western culture (regardless of their ethnicity) have the most likelihood of becoming that type of a clone. Our culture is highly corruptive (in my humble opinion). Not to say other cultures don't corrupt they do, but nowhere near to this degree.

    Sorry, I call bs on this. The only difference is that it is considered 'acceptable' here, more or less by the media portraying it as being cool and sexy.

    I was married to a man of a different ethnicity. I can tell you, back in the old country, they drink even harder and bring it over here and pass it onto their kids. As for promiscuity, it's not out in the open, but I could tell you some scandalous stories. Scandalous even by our westernized standards.

    As for the white 'race' declining, who cares? Actually, most races/cultures are due to declining birth rates. Eventually we'll all be the same color.
    Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. - Mohandas Gandhi

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