A nicely trimmed pussy is a sight to get me standing to attention in a hurry. I personally trim my lady. It takes a long, long time, and usually requires a shampoo afterwards to remove all that sticky stuff that seems to get all over!
A nicely trimmed pussy is a sight to get me standing to attention in a hurry. I personally trim my lady. It takes a long, long time, and usually requires a shampoo afterwards to remove all that sticky stuff that seems to get all over!
c'mon... for midterms all you need is one day to study.. or rather cram. i try to stay sober atleast half of the week.. as for alexi isn't it tickle your pickle?? not tickle your dick. raverboy
...this is just my perspective on the situation...
i think it also depends on how ugly their private area is, some poonanee looks good with some hair and some just look nasty with or without.
"Don't be afraid to fail because only through failure do you
learn to succeed." "Oh and be careful what you do...you'll never know who's watching..."
that's really true.. sometimes it's better to have it a little covered up because there is something to hide. raverboy
...this is just my perspective on the situation...
Hey man I know there are all different looking female crotches out there, but I have still to see one I would call ugly! Interesting maybe, fascinating. different. neat and tidy little slits, great big hairy protruding ones, but all beautifull in there own way. I love the ladies pussy, in all its various shapes and sizes. Slipping your cock into it, fingering it, licking it, there is no greater satisfaction than seeing your semen leaking from a satisfied and well serviced womans labia.
Hummm very interesting
My Sweetheart loves his landing strip (narrow strip just above his lil girl.) I love to surprise him every now and then with shapes lightening bolt is his favorite. Shame on you women that don't pull out all the stops to make sure that your kitten is soft to the touch and sweet to the taste. Gentlemen 16 ounces of pineapple juice a day
I love my boys (all three of them) a little hair above mister number 1 and the twins mmm soft is my preference.
Shaved For Me And Shaved For My Guy To Or At Least Nicley Trimmed So That I Can Go Down On It!