You should consume about 3,592 calories a day to reach your goal weight of 225 lbs This is at a reasonable weight gain average of 1 lbs per week, which should be reached by June 16, 2010.
Gaining weight is just as frustrating ~_~
Like MVP said, Hydroxycut type pills are more or less a mild form of speed in layman's terms. Think of the power, when it surges it puts more current through the lines than normal. More current = more power, but do it too long and things start to break.
When you lose weight, keep in mind you lose it fast initially, then it tapers down to a slower rate. The first thing your body sheds is excess water, which comes off quickly, then you start to burn the fat.
Just changing your diet to healthier, unprocessed foods can cause respectable weight loss on its own, exercise will burn the rest. On top of losing weight, you will feel like a new person once you body adjusts to healthier food. I can't explain it any better than that, but once you experience it, you wont eat shitty food again.
Not that you can eat enough to cause the weight loss alone, but celery actually causes your body to burn more calories than it contains.