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She is probably still trying to decide. I doubt she has thought this all the way through to the end (like you do). You have probably simply sparked her interest, and she is looking to see if you can continue to hold it. Don't overthink this.
I have to agree with vash on this one.. the waters are very murky, and based on everything you've told us.. we can only conclude:
1. she finds you attractive (to wait until after your lecture to give you her contact information, and then to ask you out for lunch).. so it's clear you've sparked her interest.. but that doesn't mean she wants to have sex with you.. she's still testing..
2. we can't tell how the date went.. yes.. the date.. it's pretty clear that's what it was unless YOU made it a friendly/business/professional thing.. in which case her paying for the bill shows that she's no longer interested... BUT, if you didn't make it into a friends-only lunch.. then her paying for the bill leaves us clueless only because she's wealthy and older.. so she might want to make you feel at a different level of easy.. like she's "taking care of you".. or make you open to the possibility of an older woman "taking care of you"..
personally, I feel that's too awkward.. but hey.. why not.. seriously..
you'll definitely need a date or two more to find out how she really feels about you.. and make sure to stop implying or suggesting that it's a "friendly lunch" if your intentions are to be romantic or sexual with her.. don't give (friend) signals and expect (sex/romantic) signals.. but you probably already knew that.. always worth re-stressing it though.. we all get nervous in the face of that special someone..
don't feel bad or strange about it... one of my friends is going out with this older woman.. the woman she's going out with is 37, and my friend is 23.. so there's quite an age gap.. but they're more in love with eachother than a teenage couple.. it's incredible.. and apparently she's having the sex of her life..
i've also come across this 31 y/o Serbian woman in the office, she's not extreamely attractive.. but she has a more than moderate physical appeal.. considering her age.. but there's obviously tension there.. and i've been seriously thinking about it for the past day or so.. (though it's not allowed under the firm's policy; which only makes things that much more tempting).. "if I had a company, i'd just tell my employees.. you're free to date anyone you want from the office, if you can find anyone you really want to date from this office is an other story.. but nobody is stopping you..".. anyway.. point being.. yeah.. nowhere near a 10+ year difference in age.. but an older woman non-the-less... an actual attorney non-the-less who's still single and up for being Partner.. so we're definitely at very different life-stages.. but the tension is there.. and I can tell from our eye-fcuking and the way her body moves (how she carries herself).. that sex would be amazing..
I don't think the age gap is as important as the life-stage gap.. (for instance, a 49-39 couple is not as awkward as let's say a 28-18 couple.. make it into a fraction.. 10/49 is less than 10/28.. so the age difference is not felt as much.. however, at this stage in life.. the real question you want to ask yourself is.. "do I really want to be fcuking around, or should I start looking to get married? and if so.. is this the person I want to get married to?"
If you can't stop the Wind, then you can't stop the Storm.