I might consider his apology if he actually made one. Sending her a text after finding out she was in the hospital all night, and then only to give a lame 'sorry' and go on to explain HIS feelings about the situation? This is a selfish guy. I mean, not even a phone call? Or actually showing up w/flowers?
In my world, a sincere apology states a clear acceptance of responsibility for the mistake (I'm sorry), an understanding of why the person receiving the apology was hurt (so perhaps it can be avoided in future), and some form of making up for the trespass ('I will fix this').
This guy doesn't care to do any of this. In my opinion, this is a pretty major character flaw. This guy is a dog that needs retraining. They've only been dating 5 months. I don't see why she would take on this project given the general tone of their relationship. Not worth the effort.