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Thread: OK Girls, who is your favorite Bond

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Philly, PA
    Yo, I see it in George Clooney, but Ralph? He's ugly, no? Do you like Lyle Lovett too? How about Gerald Depardeux or whatever his name is?

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    SHH, I use Tinypics to host the pic, then just past the URL in the line that is prompted whey you click on that little yellow box with the little mountian in it.

    1 - find and save a pic to your desktop or wherever.
    2- Open [url]http://tinypic.com/[/url] and click on browse.
    3- Find your pic in the drop down menu, then click on it.
    4 - Push the button that says "Host"
    5 - It takes a few seconds, then at the bottom cut or copy the top URL.
    6 - Then past that URL into the text box that is prompted.

    The url with the tags will be added to the post, then hit submit.
    HEY LLOYD, I'm a pilot

  3. #33
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Los Angeles

    Yay! It worked! But why is the picture so small?? Anyway, he would make an excellent James Bond...

    (Thanks, bluevette.)

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by shh!

    Yay! It worked! But why is the picture so small?? Anyway, he would make an excellent James Bond...

    (Thanks, bluevette.)
    no no and HELL NO ... he defenetly doesnt have anything to be a Bond , even less a Batman . seems to seasoned ... do you really think 20 y old girls are gonna be falling for a guy that has white hairs on his sides and has salt n pepper hair .
    his voice sucks too ... he was pure crap in all the movies he was , especially Ocean 11 and 12 ... i feel asleep in ocean's 12 ... his dumb voice kept waiking me up .

    ps: dont bother to try to diss my taste , i seriously counlt give more of a royal **** ... i wont waste time arguing . i just wanted to get that out , because all 3 last bonds have sucked enough and i counlt bare to think of a 4th one .
    Last edited by Late_vamp; 02-12-05 at 09:49 AM.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Los Angeles
    Quote Originally Posted by Late_vamp
    no no and HELL NO ... he defenetly doesnt have anything to be a Bond , even less a Batman . seems to seasoned ... do you really think 20 y old girls are gonna be falling for a guy that has white hairs on his sides and has salt n pepper hair .
    his voice sucks too ...
    Who cares about the 20 year old girls, especially the ones who are too stupid to know perfection when they see it?

    Jealousy is so unbecoming.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    BAHHA LOL , ROFL ... jealousy ... ha , good one !

  7. #37
    Join Date
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    Los Angeles
    Such passion over a man, latevamp, is normally reserved for feelings of love! Is there something you want to tell us?


  8. #38
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    they say clive will be the next bond. i think that would be very good for me.

  9. #39
    indigosoul's Avatar
    indigosoul Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Bluevetteracer
    But there is NO question that there is a brain behind those eyes... this is what I'm talking about. He was brilliant in Schindlers List. Not many could pull off a role like that. I agree, he tends to do "obsessed" well. As I said, Clive Owen is the same... (ref: Closer).

    But, I'm sorry... That last photo of George Clooney...his eyes look like they are 1/2 way rolled up and about to keep going (sorry Shh).

    A good Bond should be more than pretty... he needs to also be able to do INTENSE. Clive Owen could do it if they could clean him up a little (he's got a "dirty" look to him). Ralph Fiennes would make an excellent Bond bad-guy, I think!

    ...Oh yeah, Clooneys not even a Brit... how the HELL can an American become 007??
    Last edited by indigosoul; 02-12-05 at 02:19 PM.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    I hate bond films so much I rather watch pokachantas..or however you spell that shit....OR WORSE!....That 50 cent movie!...nah...I think Id rather suffer with bond...ahhh....both are bad....I think if there is a hell its playing his movie and bond films....along with I love lucy episodes....aaahhhh!
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  11. #41
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Los Angeles
    True enough , you got me on the British thing, Indi, but I still can't buy Ralph Fiennes. He simply doesn't look manly enough. Damn, I could even picture him in a remake of Rocky Horror Picture Show as the lead guy wearing fishnets, lipstick, high heels, and a corset. Besides, he looks like a cryer. But if you like him, you can have him, and I'll keep George for myself. I will consider you to be one less woman to compete with.

    OV - you don't even like "I Love Lucy"? How can that be?? ::shaking head::
    Last edited by shh!; 02-12-05 at 09:40 PM.

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    I love Bond.

    But I hate Lucy.

    She was a terrible actress, and the show was nothing more then vaudeville slapstick, that would entertain 4-6 year olds. Her stupid looks, and poses, with those huge eyes are the epitome of what not to put on TV.

    OV- Who is that guy in your sig? Looks like some weird Start Wars figure.
    HEY LLOYD, I'm a pilot

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Lubbock, TX
    She wasn't a terrible actress! Awwww

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Philly, PA
    Quote Originally Posted by Bluevetteracer
    But I hate Lucy.
    She was a pioneer; look at the time and what she did. No, she wasn't the classical actress of a Meryl Streep. She was no airline pilot either...

  15. #45
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Los Angeles
    People who hate Lucy suck. Lloyd is right - did you guys ever have a look at what TV looked like before her show? She changed the way people made TV shows. She was a genius.

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