Ah, No... I am not a lesbian (once again quoting Seinfeld "Not that there is anything wrong with it')....I just simply love men and I especially love how they smell. I guess I didn't make the mental leap how my comment lead you to believe that I was gay. My friends and I discuss men all the time because no matter what, we all basically have the same issues with them.we now have a lesbian on here? awesome!
Further to the ovulation thing, I know exactly when I ovulate because of the gel discharge. That is common knowledge and certainly doesn't take research. Of course, my point was that nature is the driving force.
There is just as equal a possibility that it is NOT! Most women I know ARE romance junkies (as you said) - some more than others - and I hate to be the one to break this to you, but that is how we are wired. I have also met men who can't be without a woman. I have also met men that are brilliant in their careers but make lousy choices when it comes to love. Does that mean that their love issues are due to their behavior only and not that of their partner as well? No. It takes two. *wink*which means it is entirely possible that her behavior is the primary problem.