I want a va-va-voom outfit.
I want a va-va-voom outfit.
I'll get you one.
Yay! (and it's not even my birthday!) I can't wait I can't wait
we will go out and get you one
do you even know what you want sweetkiss?
yes! I have exactly what I want! Why do you ask?
do you KNOW what you want?
YES! I do! I have told him some of the things that I honestly enjoy, yet sometimes just telling him is hard! Why I don't know why, but it is! Yet that has changed a little, but I still want to be able to do it more!!!!
make a list in your head and tell him the first thing on it. once you get the hang of it you'll wish you started sooner and you'll never want to stop.
a journey begins with one step.