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Thread: videogames or your girlfriend? (long story)

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by doppelgaenger View Post
    Why in the hell should he apologize? God, I would laugh at you if you demanded an apology and were all butthurt because I enjoy playing videogames.
    I didn't demand an apology, and I think you're missing the point. I'm also thankfully not dating you.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by doppelgaenger View Post
    Why in the hell should he apologize? God, I would laugh at you if you demanded an apology and were all butthurt because I enjoy playing videogames.
    The problem is not that he enjoys video games, it's that he ignores her in favor of them. When someone goes out of their way to make something nice for you and come visit you, you don't thank them by sitting on your ass playing games for the entirety of their visit. It's rude as hell, and that's what he should apologize for.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by cohen_girl View Post
    I didn't demand an apology, and I think you're missing the point. I'm also thankfully not dating you.
    It sounds like you do demand an apology. Furthermore, I'm glad you're not dating me either.

    Quote Originally Posted by MerryH View Post
    The problem is not that he enjoys video games, it's that he ignores her in favor of them. When someone goes out of their way to make something nice for you and come visit you, you don't thank them by sitting on your ass playing games for the entirety of their visit. It's rude as hell, and that's what he should apologize for.
    Um, maybe I skipped over something when I skimmed through the posts, but what exactly did she make for him? A cake or something? And god, you make it sound like he is hunched over in front of the TV, drooling and playing this game when she comes, as if he's some kind of burnout that does nothing other than video games. I'm pretty sure he spends a lot of his time studying and stuff, and when he gets free time, he likes to play a few video games, and there is NOTHING wrong with that, even if it means his gf only gets to spend a few times a week with him. After all, 10 months isn't exactly a committed, long term relationship, and she's demanding way too much from him with this.

    To be honest, I wouldn't be able to tolerate her pissy attitude about this. She just said she is calling him a liar and an asshole among other names. Lucky for her, this guy doesn't have any balls to stand up for himself. That's totally disrespectful and immature, and that definitely IS NOT the way to handle any situation or disagreement. If someone treated me that way, the last thing I would want to do is see them or be around them!

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by doppelgaenger View Post
    when he gets free time, he likes to play a few video games, and there is NOTHING wrong with that, even if it means his gf only gets to spend a few times a week with him. After all, 10 months isn't exactly a committed, long term relationship, and she's demanding way too much from him with this.
    okay so here are some things you missed. I DON'T get to see him a few times a week, I hardly see him once a week because his school and my work schedules don't exactly match up. He's completely free 3 days a week, and 2 days a week he only has 1 hour of class, he has a plenty of free time to study and play videogames. Last week I told him I'd like to see him more even if it's just for an hour or two or to spend the night with him after work/school, and he told me he also wanted to spend more time with me. I baked him his favorite cake from scratch and came over on HIS suggestion, when he ignored me that day I was willing to brush it off since the game was new, and two days later when it was my last day off for the week and I wanted to see him, and he said he wanted to play videogames. THAT'S when I called him a liar, because yes, he did in fact lie to me when he told me before that videogames would never get in the way of spending time with me. And after he kept ignoring me (via texts telling him how choosing to play videogames over me made me feel really low, and I called him like 10 times in 3 hours) I told him he was acting like a real a-hole. Mind you, this is an rpg, it's not time sensitive, you can pause it, there are no other players, after two straight days of playing when I'd be so nice to him he can't even take a few hours out of the entire day to see me?

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by sexappealtips View Post
    You need to get his attention in some new way. In seems that he is understimulated. That's just honesty.
    I think it's just that he's really into this game, but what do you suggest I do?

  6. #36
    Gribble's Avatar
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    All over the damn place.
    Yeah, I've been playing New Vegas. You're screwed.

    If you really want his attention, invite another woman along with you to his place. I guarantee that will work. Otherwise learn to deal with the fact that he, like a lot of young men, gets more from a video game than he does his girlfriend. When I was younger I remember a new game would come out and that would be it. My relationship would be over. I'd stop calling her. I'd stop answering her calls. I wouldn't take her out. If she was still around by the time the game bored me, great. We'd get back to where we left off. Otherwise I'd just find someone else before the next big game came out.

    Bear in mind he will be bored of New Vegas before too terribly long. Tough it out or move on.
    Last edited by Gribble; 25-10-10 at 10:26 AM.
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  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gribble View Post
    Yeah, I've been playing New Vegas. You're screwed.

    If you really want his attention, invite another woman along with you to his place. I guarantee that will work. Otherwise learn to deal with the fact that he, like a lot of young men, gets more from a video game than he does his girlfriend.
    haha, won't work. I mentioned having a 3some with another girl before and he got all weirded out and said no.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by doppelgaenger View Post
    Um, maybe I skipped over something when I skimmed through the posts, but what exactly did she make for him? A cake or something? And god, you make it sound like he is hunched over in front of the TV, drooling and playing this game when she comes, as if he's some kind of burnout that does nothing other than video games.
    How did I make it sound like that? Who gives a shit what he does in his spare time? Unless you're a social retard and/or don't give a shit about others, you don't sit absorbed in a video game when someone you don't get to see very much makes the effort to visit you. Doesn't even have to be a girlfriend, it's still really ****ing rude.

    Quote Originally Posted by doppelgaenger View Post
    She just said she is calling him a liar and an asshole among other names. Lucky for her, this guy doesn't have any balls to stand up for himself. That's totally disrespectful and immature, and that definitely IS NOT the way to handle any situation or disagreement. If someone treated me that way, the last thing I would want to do is see them or be around them!
    I don't disagree with this, though. cohen_girl, name-calling is never a good way to argue. You should find better ways to express yourself.

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