Wait, did we just discover that Lloyd frequents [url]www.boners.com[/url] ????? (see bottom of picture)
Lloyd - SAY IT AINT SO!!
I love boners! (dot com)
Oh, so it isn't a website about actual boners?
No; disappointed now Tone?
Well it did kind of ruin my joke.
wtf are boners?
Ahahahaha!Originally Posted by alice
lol, Your kidding right Alice?
If you can't handle the thorns, don't crave the rose!!
no, i wasn't, actually. but i've looked it up in the dictionary now. how am i supposed to make a connection between a bone and that?
lol... I can't believe you've never heard that term used before!
If you can't handle the thorns, don't crave the rose!!
That's a disturbing picture for more than one reason!
If you can't handle the thorns, don't crave the rose!!
the penis is not a bone
didn't you see the picture? that's an anatomical fact, man!