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Thread: I’ve known this for a while but let me share my thoughts with you

  1. #31
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by DoesntMatter View Post
    I have something to note about people who enjoy making fun of religion and peoples religious beliefs, and it’s this:

    These people look to Christians to make fun of to verify their own intelligence to themselves because that’s the only place they can. People like this enjoy making Christians feel foolish because they get off to the feeling of intellectual superiority, and by belittling another’s religion is the only way most of them can. Most of them can’t hold a candle to any real argument, and those few that can usually have some inferiority complex so they feel better by looking smart by comparison

    “Here, likes liken Christianity to the Flying Spaghetti Monster or pretend to pay homage to “the big man in the clouds!” Wow, aren’t we so clever and original! As if the idea to likening Christian belief to absurd random things hasn’t already been beaten to death. We’re just SO FUCCKING SMART!”

    Nevermind the main focus of Christianity which is to help others. Let’s see, I went to church 2 days ago for the first time in ages and it was all about sending money to poor people in some of the poorest counties in the US (located in Mississippi). It feels a lot better to be smart and atheist, because now we’re smart enough to discuss particle physics! (But actually, in reality, they don’t / can’t because they don’t want to risk hurting that new ego they just built up)
    I see you use lots of the words like 'will' 'they will' etc. Well, I'd say this is your own personal opinion, you don't know what they think. Very often christians themselves overreact.
    As for me, I don't generally bash them. I am babtized and I don't consider myself an atheist but I also don't follow any cult and I don't believe in God. Frankly to this day I still don't know what exactly is atheism, believing in science?

    But it annoys me how there is religious propaganda. And that is the cause of all the bashing. Also, very often people take criticism as bashing. I've seen videos of religious converences where some preasts yells at the audience that this and that is wrong and this and that happened because its written in the Bible. It would be ok, but there were many very young children in the audience, and they believed every word. Don't you find something odd about this, don't you think this is wrong? Don't you speak up when you see something is wrong?

    I know people from really religious families, but they personally are not overly hyped up because of this. Its the matter of parenting. Religion was firstly to make people think of their actions, not to follow orders.

    I also have experiences with mormons. They came to our door, doing religious propaganda, we wanted to hear what they are speaking. It was so hard to get rid of them, saying directly wasn't enough. We moved, and they somehow found out and came to our new home also. The reason why we wanted to get rid of them in first place was that we felt it was all bullshit. Asked them questions and they would just quoute Bible every time, robots.

    DM, I am not so sure about sending money to poor people via Church. You know, church has to live off too, for ages it has lived on peoples generous givings. You don't need church to send people money, besides I am sure there are a lot more reliable organizations out there that deal with this kind of thing. I, for example have donated all my old clothes to homeless and orphans in childrens home, directly.
    I don't trust money to church. It is possibly because of my Estonian roots, but to this day I believe it is lots of forgery. To be personal, I tell you a short story to explain my paranoia. For more than 500 years Estonia has been occupied under different cultures, but always it was ruled by churches. Babtisizm and going to church was a must, otherwise you would get punished. But you had to pay for the church, along with many many other things that came with it. This has grown into my roots and somehow I have distrust in every such phenomena. I believe lots of stuff is just some corporate bullshit to raise money. But this thing is personal and I haven't bashed anyone with it, especially since I don't have any kind of proof.
    Last edited by boobaa; 04-07-08 at 01:16 AM.
    Don't expect anything.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by misombra View Post
    after we get married of course, right?
    Psh...screw that.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Stockholm, Sweden
    I do approve of religions influence on personal lives and society in a positive manner, but I still think that if the very same thing was done without needing a belief system it would be a lot easier to remain ethical about it instead of risking having your viewpoint skewed by ignorance or religious characters, and have horrible things committed in its name.

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