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Thread: How do i get his attention?!

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    I personally find it kinda fun to try to read the posts in German... but that's just me and my geekiness

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    WTF Why are Bluevet and Funsounds banned? Omg personally I think they are two of the most helpful members of this forum, they both have helped me before, with very detailed replys. Please, Unban them.

  3. #33
    Illusional's Avatar
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    hahaha i think that it's really funny now new members will jump on the bandwagon, please please unban these two members.

    as for their banning, they posted threads about killing moderators and what not. bumping heads and telling someone to **** off isn't really a problem in my book, arguments are always fun. however you have to draw the line somewhere before chaos happens.

    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  4. #34
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    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Illusional
    hahaha i think that it's really funny now new members will jump on the bandwagon, please please unban these two members.

    as for their banning, they posted threads about killing moderators and what not. bumping heads and telling someone to **** off isn't really a problem in my book, arguments are always fun. however you have to draw the line somewhere before chaos happens.

    Sometimes people need to speak up when their leaders are corrupt.
    "Oh Lord it's hard to be humble, when you're perfect in every way. I can't wait to look in the mirror, cause I get better loking each day. To know me is to love me, I must be a hell of a man. Oh Lord it's hard to be humble, but I'm doing the best that I can." Mac Davis

  5. #35
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    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Illusional
    however you have to draw the line somewhere before chaos happens.
    there was zero chaos on these forums until the mods started deleting threads, personally attacking users, and banning users. mods are people...as people, they should know that if you treat people like shit, you'll be treated like shit. now there's chaos...
    You don't scare me. I got chunks of guys like you in my stool!

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    holy. those two banned. how silly. very sillly.
    Can't say i know a lot about it and personally try to avoid the politics but hmm. .... something smells funny

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Okay said I didn't want to know about the politics....but actually, I do want to know a little bit

    How does a person get banned?

    How do we know if they've been banned if they can't come on here and tell us?

  8. #38
    vashti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Illusional

    as for their banning, they posted threads about killing moderators and what not.
    I must have missed those posts. What I didn't miss was posters being provoked.
    Last edited by vashti; 20-01-06 at 12:45 PM.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    same here shh!

    insulting and arguing is fine but banning is another story .

    i think they Shouldnt of had been banned , unless they keept spewing shit out of their mouths or if they spammed .

  10. #40
    indigosoul's Avatar
    indigosoul Guest
    Aren't we sometimes allowed to suggest/request POLITELY to LoveAdmin to ADD a new moderator?

    So, logically, we should be able to POLITELY request that a moderator be replaced (or perhaps a new one added to balance out certain others)... Comments?

    Personally, I think TONE would make an excellent moderator.

    If this fails, I will simply conclude that there is some nepotism going on (certain parties are related) and will laugh accordingly...

  11. #41
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    In front of this screen.
    What makes it great is the fact that everyone seems to think that I was the one who did the banning, or that I deleted all of the threads over the past few weeks that have been axed.

    i think they Shouldnt of had been banned , unless they keept spewing shit out of their mouths or if they spammed .
    Read back over some of the last few threads in the past week or so and you will find it. You might also take note of [URL=http://www.loveforum.net/showthread.php?p=177223#post177223]this thread that Loveadmin responded to, a few days before they decided to spam the forum with their teenage angst.[/URL]

    As far as the insulting other people goes, the only time I have EVER said anything about namecalling is to please refrain from doing it in a discussion about religion. No threads were deleted, I simply asked him not to call the other person a moron because of his religious beliefs.

    Like I said - You can call someone a douche bag eating retard for banging their sister all you want. You can call me an idiot for deleting your post that was in German. I really don't care. Loveadmin or the other mods might not appreciate your namecalling, but the only time I get touchy about it is when OTHER MEMBERS P.M. me asking for an apology or for threads to be removed because someone called them a tool, or when you do it because of someone else's religious beliefs.

    I've said this multiple times to people who have complained about their threads being deleted:

    Before you ask that question, ask yourself these questions:

    Was my post on topic, on subject, and contributing to the topic of the thread?

    Was what I posted something that could have been sent to a P.M.?

    Was there any value to my response whatsoever?

    I have been tasked with keeping the forums free from clutter, on topic, and free from personal attacks or flames as well. If your thread did not follow any of the above guidelines, chances are it was altered/removed.

    I don't know which thread you specfically posted that was removed, but if you really think that it was contributing, feel free to provide a link and it will be investigated further.
    Again, I'm as guilty as anyone else about personal attacks and calling people fools for their stupid mistakes. But I haven't deleted a threads yet for the sole purpose of it containing namecalling.

    As far as my "whining and throwing a temper tantrum" which someone else said I did when I "didn't get my way" I would be happy to see any threads where this occurred?


  12. #42
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Everyone just got Pwned. He didn't do it. You should all be ashamed of yourself. I believed in you Cybog....why?..because if you were everything they said then I would never be still here..lol..
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  13. #43
    Join Date
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    In front of this screen.
    Well, what's funny is that everyone is ignoring that I have left all of the threads open for the most part. I have nothing to hide, but it isn't my nature to jump into the hungry mob. Everyone can have their opinions about what goes on here. It's what you see on this side of the screen that holds the truth.

    And yes, the thought of getting another mod is definitely something in the works.


  14. #44
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Cybog
    Well, what's funny is that everyone is ignoring that I have left all of the threads open for the most part. I have nothing to hide, but it isn't my nature to jump into the hungry mob. Everyone can have their opinions about what goes on here. It's what you see on this side of the screen that holds the truth.

    And yes, the thought of getting another mod is definitely something in the works.
    I would make a terrible mod because I tend to be some what the argument starter sometimes, but now that I think about it, you are right, most of the threads (even the pointless ones) have stayed opened. I never blamed anyone, hell I don't even know who all the mods are, I only noticed one time that one of my posts was gone....maybe it was to offending but I do not remmber the post accept that it was deleted.
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Read back over some of the last few threads in the past week or so and you will find it. You might also take note of this thread that Loveadmin responded to, a few days before they decided to spam the forum with their teenage angst.

    I don't think everyone gets to that section of this site, I never noticed it.

    As far as the insulting other people goes, the only time I have EVER said anything about namecalling is to please refrain from doing it in a discussion about religion. No threads were deleted, I simply asked him not to call the other person a moron because of his religious beliefs.

    I thought I saw a thread were you said some guy worked at Micky-D's and then told him to Shut the **** UP? Was that needed?

    Again, I'm as guilty as anyone else about personal attacks and calling people fools for their stupid mistakes. But I haven't deleted a threads yet for the sole purpose of it containing namecalling.

    No, but it looks like you did because you did not agree with them, those that were banned had good points. That one about the German post, fine delete it, but put in the thread

    "Hey, stay on task and to the point please".

    Threads just disappear, and then when people ask why you say, YOUR BANNED.

    Well, what's funny is that everyone is ignoring that I have left all of the threads open for the most part. I have nothing to hide

    You deleted the entire thread that was the main issue and argument for the persons you or someone else banned.

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