If my posts have anything to do with this, you should know that my views on sex do not represent the norm here in America. My views are more lax than probably those of 95% of Americans. And even considering that I do not believe it is ok for men to cheat, nor do I believe you should go out and **** anything with a pulse (I believe it's not my place to tell you to do so or not to do so), and I do not believe you should sleep with as many as possible while single (again, I believe it's not my place to tell you to do so or not to do so). Considering the facts that A) I do not believe these things, and B) My views on sex are more lax than the norm, I don't see where you're getting these ideas about America.
I mean, really, we're not even that liberal when it comes to sex. It was only a decade ago when we flew into this nation wide moral crisis over a boob being exposed at the superbowl. That was bigger news than the fukking Boston Marathon bombing that went down earlier this year. Hardly the mentality of a sexually liberal society. Someone who comes over here from a place like Germany, Spain, Japan, etc. would be shocked at how repressed we are by comparison