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Thread: Out of place?

  1. #31
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    I'm not talkin about using resources - I'm talking about destroying the planet by tearing holes in the ozone layer, polluting rivers/lakes/oceans, brutal killing of animals, tearing down rain forests, constantly expanding cities which results in loss of natural habitat for COUNTLESS species, locking animals behind bars for their entire life, using animals in cruel medical experimentation, and the like.

    I just wonder what makes us think we have the right.

  2. #32
    vashti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tone
    Exactly what I thought at first but then the more I tried to think of it the more blank I became. That's why I'm inviting someone to answer that for us.

    shh! I'll have to go to the library sometime and see about that book.. you're makin me interested in it.
    If you give me your address, I'll mail my copy to you when I'm done.

  3. #33
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    I don't understand the question. Probably because there isn't one and its just Tone thinking he knows things when he doesn't. The reason why we are dominating the earth is because of culture. Culture allows us to live anywere. Also language and the frontal lobe on the brain cause us to be smarter and remember more.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tone
    I'm not talkin about using resources - I'm talking about destroying the planet by tearing holes in the ozone layer, polluting rivers/lakes/oceans, brutal killing of animals, tearing down rain forests, constantly expanding cities which results in loss of natural habitat for COUNTLESS species, locking animals behind bars for their entire life, using animals in cruel medical experimentation, and the like.
    Says who that is destroying?. If earth originally was an empty waste land wouldn't that be then fixing it?. We are ruining our enviornment that alows us to live but I hate it when people say "destroying earth"..it makes no sense. What is earth's destroyed and not destroyed state? why would earth care? By doing all those things we are destroying ourselves in the long run...not earth.
    Last edited by Only-virgins; 17-12-05 at 03:46 PM.
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  4. #34
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by shh!
    If you give me your address, I'll mail my copy to you when I'm done.
    Can you do that? Are you sure?

    Quote Originally Posted by Only-virgins
    I don't understand the question. Probably because there isn't one and its just Tone thinking he knows things when he doesn't.
    Maybe you'd understand more if you actually read. I never claimed to "know things" - actually it's quite the opposite - I was just sharing my personal opinions and was LOOKING for answers, not giving them out.

    Again I feel I shouldn't even gonna bother with you cause you didn't read or understand the discussion.. buuuuut:
    Quote Originally Posted by Only-virgins
    The reason why we are dominating the earth is because of culture. Culture allows us to live anywere. Also language and the frontal lobe on the brain cause us to be smarter and remember more
    I completely understand WHY and HOW we dominate - for the third time, reread what this thread is about if you would like to get involved.

    Quote Originally Posted by Only-virgins
    Says who that is destroying?. If earth originally was an empty waste land wouldn't that be then fixing it?. We are ruining our enviornment that alows us to live but I hate it when people say "destroying earth"..it makes no sense. What is earth's destroyed and not destroyed state? why would earth care?
    Now you're almost on topic.. How would you say that we are fixing it? Sure at one time earth was an empty waste land, but then it sprung all sorts of life - we didn't create it, we are just ONE species of the THOUSANDS that have lived on the earth. Does being the most advanced give us the right to destroy? It seems to in our eyes. I don't see how we are "fixing" anything but our own messes?

    Quote Originally Posted by Only-virgins
    By doing all those things we are destroying ourselves in the long run...not earth
    That's where you're wrong - cause not only are we destroying ourselves but we destroy other life on earth, as well as the earth itself, in the process.

    Can you answer the question? What good have we, AS A SPECIES, done for the planet we live on, that isn't a direct result of our previous doing?
    Last edited by Tone; 18-12-05 at 03:07 AM.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tone
    Mish - I wish that could put me at ease once and for all - but it does quite the opposite. What happened to the dinosaurs was beyond their control. Whereas WE humans are the ones who do the destruction. Who is to say a higher power will be as forgiving to to us as they were to the dinosaurs to our planet? The dinosaurs as well as other life (are you sure it was 95% of all life on earth was wiped out??) were extinct, yet life seemed to 'restart' afterwards. Would the planet be givin the same chance if/when humans were to go extinct? Was the real reason dinosaurs went extinct because they did NOT advance, as we did? Is this whole world and life as we know it some big experiment for something beyond our grasp? If we as humans passed the test the dinosaurs failed (advancement) - will we be punished for all the damage and destruction we exhibit?

    Never heard of that guy, if I get some time today I'll try to look up his paintings on the internet.
    Tone, that's your problem right there. You acknowledge that what happened to the dinosaurs was beyond their control. Likewise what is happening at the moment is beyond control of people. Not while people are still fighting each other on the streets. finding new ways to keep each other poor, stealing resources not only from earth, but from other people as well. indiscriminate killings, advancement in biowarfare, WTO financial control via privatisation of other coutnries, holier than thour justifications for invasions, random acts of senseless violence condoning by the World's highest leaders. I have always said this, until people learn how to live in harmony with one another what hope is there that anyone will know how to live in harmony with nature? Until then any form of change will always be outside of people's control (Just like the dinosaurs)

    Back to the original argument, our planet has seen millions time worse amount of damage than humans are EVER capable on inflicting on this planet (Well, except maybe some US scientists who were thinking of a doomsday machine that would end life as we know it if communists ever invaded the planet - it went under consideration at the highest echelons of power I remember reading lol) Humans may not have a right to abuse their power, but whatever happens our planet will recover, I am not that certain about the human race though.
    Don't cry, don't regret and don't blame
    Weak find the whip, willing find freedom
    Towards the sun, carry your name
    In warm hands you are given
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    Uncertainty's gone, your path will unravel
    Accept all as it is and do not blame
    God or the Devil
    ~Born to Live - Mavrik~

  6. #36
    Join Date
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    Lubbock, TX
    I was wondering, what is the purpose of mosquitos? Or roaches?

  7. #37
    Join Date
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    easy ... to pester us and to be a bunch of never ending parasites ... why cant we make nuclear bombs that only affect those damn insects ... so annoying i tell ya ... cant even get a good screwing in the good ol woods because of these things going all over us .

  8. #38
    Join Date
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    Panama City, Florida
    Mosquitoes and roaches are here just to piss us off and make life more difficult. But spiders, they are mans second best friend. You can instantly have your girl think you’re the best hero of a man she has ever had by catching and getting rid of a giant spider that somehow got in the house. Just don’t tell her that you planted that bugger in the kitchen just so you could catch it, and have your woman scream and say “you’re my hero”

  9. #39
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    Spiders don't bother me. I like them since they catch other bugs. Sure, some I would rather not be around, but overall they're ok.

  10. #40
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    Mosquitos, roaches and flies are a replenishable food resource for many species of animals. Were they to disappear, many species of animals would starve to death... There is also some relationship between them and plant life.
    Don't cry, don't regret and don't blame
    Weak find the whip, willing find freedom
    Towards the sun, carry your name
    In warm hands you are given
    Ask the wind for the way
    Uncertainty's gone, your path will unravel
    Accept all as it is and do not blame
    God or the Devil
    ~Born to Live - Mavrik~

  11. #41
    Join Date
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    Panama City, Florida
    Nice new sexy avatars Junsui and Misha

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    hehe , Mish's avatar's is a guy ... from a video game

    now Junsui is just being a tease

    its funny because i rarely see any bugs in my house except for like hundreds of spiders ... dunno why but theyr all in my room ... in the basement ,... coldest room in the whole house ... i have a specific stick with wich i kill them when they are on unreacheble places such as :ceiling , corner walls , under my bed and desk ... the bottom of the stick has been filled with so many dead spider bodies that when i go to put it at its place (standing) it cant balance because of all the bodies so it leans on the wall .

  13. #43
    Join Date
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    Panama City, Florida
    oopps, i didn't look at it too closely

  14. #44
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Nice thread, I actually agree with TONE. But well, lets just hope that you only know the basics of animal cruelty and basics of knowing of animal experiments and stuff, or you would probably kill yourself, there are persons who have done hat. And I must say that I actually almost understand people who run into a store and throw acid to natural coats. i just red a spam e-mail that was introducing new sort of medcine for pets what slowe the aging process on animals, they say that I'll love it, but I say that how many pets died while this kind of medcine was being developed.
    But those who won't understand, like OV, never will, they are too buzy with their humanism determination and that culture stuff. What culture? For us, life is experience, we read a book, watch TV, that is our culture, that is our life. For other animals, life is experience also, they learn, they teach, they look and they travel, for them, it is life and we cannot argue on that point. From OVs point, it is seen that human can only accept someone who thinks like human. We think that animals do nothing and they are useless, but amaybe animals think the same about us, for them, we just eat, watch television and thats all, and ofcourse, we destroy other creatures homes. And as TONe or somebody said that we humans can choose careers and stuff, that this is our life point, well, we do it only because we want to eat and watch television, thats it, we are pointless, useless and as cultured as other animals.
    Humans don't understand other animals, and same stands for animals, if human sees a car by looking out of the window, cat sees bird and so on. Only thing is, that most of the humans expect the cat to see the car.
    And as for the humanism, I don't like that word, I think it just has wrong name, there is not much to do with humans and humanism.
    As for animal culture, there are animal memories. Like someone pointed out that squirrels are being scared of. Well, where I live, crowns attack cats and humans. In one graveyard, one blonde haired woman stepped on a crowns baby, who had fallen out from nest, purpously. Well, obviously the crown saw this and now all the crowns there attack blonde haired humans. Revenge of the crowns.

    But well, death is everywhere where we live. Every product you use, you kill at least one animal. Some fox dies because he got hit by a truck what transported keyboard parts what I am using right now. When I walk across the road, i see so many dead birds and pieces of run-over foxes... Or you go to McDonalds and eat a part of once lived organism. Now think, how many other animals does fox kill while he is trying to survive only, yes, just 1, and he still gets to play with an acron and his girlfriend can give a birth to nice fox puppies without killing someone.
    Last edited by boobaa; 19-12-05 at 06:37 PM.
    Don't expect anything.

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by boobaa
    Revenge of the crowns.
    Don't cry, don't regret and don't blame
    Weak find the whip, willing find freedom
    Towards the sun, carry your name
    In warm hands you are given
    Ask the wind for the way
    Uncertainty's gone, your path will unravel
    Accept all as it is and do not blame
    God or the Devil
    ~Born to Live - Mavrik~

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