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Thread: hmmm...so here we go...I am in need of some help.

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by BrokenPieces View Post
    So it was them that told you that...I wasn't sure if you had seen that in posts or something or if you had heard it from them. Hm...well, since they're asshole enough to rub something like that in it could be they both turned her words around so it wasn't really true, or at least completely true. Whenever something's secondhand information it can't always be relied on, especially depending on the kind of people it's coming from. Even if it's not though she's still been enough drama.
    I think those are copy pastes from an MSN convo they had...either ways, doesn't really matter much...like you said, drama.

    Quote Originally Posted by BrokenPieces
    Exactly, everything's an experience, and the difference from a mature person versus an immature person is that the mature one won't just say "Why did this happen to me?" they'll say "This happened to me so I can learn from it." It's utter hell to go through, but you'll know for next time, and it's a lesson best learned early in life.
    Wow, thanks for that, but I don't think I merit it. I try to oppress THAT immature thought from happening but sometimes it's just too damn hard to not fall on self-pity. But you know, my ex is a year older then me and obviously more mature...she decided to help me through this even though I did that to her...now I feel like a jackass.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by TADA View Post
    Wow, thanks for that, but I don't think I merit it. I try to oppress THAT immature thought from happening but sometimes it's just too damn hard to not fall on self-pity. But you know, my ex is a year older then me and obviously more mature...she decided to help me through this even though I did that to her...now I feel like a jackass.
    Well, in general I'm pretty mature, (outside of my inner 6-year-old popping out in some situations ) but some days I think that also, and just blame the world on my messes...which hardly seems mature, haha. But it's human nature to have that thought and we all have pity parties, what counts is that afterwards we're still able to get something out of the ordeals and not look at it as something completely negative. And you have learned from all this, so there you go! Sometimes it's not even so much our actions at the time that define how mature we are but how we handle whatever consequences that come out of them.

    Your ex is a good person, I can imagine you would feel that way now...but maybe you should just thank her for it and then say you feel like an ass for the way you were to her. My friend did something similar with her ex recently because she felt she had to apologize for the way she treated him before she broke up with him several months ago, and it really helped their friendship to talk on it. What happened can't be changed, but you can at least clear the air if you haven't.

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