I had a rather nasty answer here but I've deleted it because chastising you won't help you to see that you place too much value on getting laid by a man the hits you. I just hope that you'll never allow him to lay a hand on you in anger again and if he does, then you will remove yourself and your child out of that invironment and get some counceling so that your love yourself more and have the confidence that you child needs to see in a parent..
Your so called partner's porn viewing is really the least of your worries when you have a child who is witnessing arguing and violence. Witnessing that kind of thing is just teaching them to be violent in the future and to accept disrespect from people in general.
May you have the strength to get away when you need to.
*Steps down off soap box.*
Last edited by Wakeup; 21-07-11 at 05:49 AM.
“The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion