I took a nap this afternoon, so I'll be up all night preparing.
I took a nap this afternoon, so I'll be up all night preparing.
I passed the exam hahaha and I was the first to leave the room ... Again I'm so proud of myself, that sleepless night wasn't in vain
I wazzzz here
Wish me luck, now. This is going to be one of the roughest days for me this semester.
I'm still going to have the final round - Math ,yuuck. But this on monday, I still have 4 days to learn hehe. Today I do nieeeeeente. I'm so ****ing exhausted for real.Those past 7 days I was sleeping so little and today it's beer time and doing nothing...
I wazzzz here
Went out with a friend at the pub of the city; it was really cool.
so...when the rats ate through wires of my boss' Lamborghini, the insurance called it vandalism by rats and paid for it.
mo'Dajvo' pa'wIjDaq je narghpu' He'So'bogh SajlIj
My new shoes arrived : D
I did well on my exam, and then I went to a bar with my GF and friends to celebrate someone's bday.
Also, my python is developing a better temperament. She's bitten me every time I've handled her!
I've been bitten by a copperhead before. I was a little boy, and we were visiting my uncle and we were running around in his yard. I stepped on one and it tagged me in the back of the leg. Wasn't anything serious - certainly not fatal and did not require anti venom. Still have a scar, though. It was my fault, nonetheless.
Wishing for me to die, though, is just despicable. I may dislike a person, even hate, but I would never wish for anyone to die. You're only reinforcing your own childishness.
One day she decided to insult me for no reason at all, and didn't like what I had to say in response to that. Ever since, she's been really childishly hostile towards me. I'm sure you were there for all of this; she made a thread specifically for bashing me after giving me infraction(s), editing my posts, the whole 9 yards. It's too bad she can't put it behind her like I have. The fact that she's still trying to flame me and insult me just makes me roll my eyes. If she's going to treat me like that, it's just not worth my time.