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Thread: Issues with social network flirting and self respect in clubs

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    She often glanced at me on the day. Basically, the same relationship I have with the bride is the same relationship she has with the groom (cousins) and I was talking to the groom and she saw me then. My profile picture on twitter probs doesn't exactly show my face - so maybe I'll change it and then send another request few weeks down the line.

    If all fails - it's ok I'm not worried - after all it's just a girl and there's no doubt I won't see her again because I will.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    You need to stop caring "how she takes it". she is a random girl you met once at a wedding who you think is attractive
    Thats all. You know nothing about her. Just send her a message, ask her out-you have nothing to lose. If she has a nf or is simply not interested-shrug it off and move on. Life is too short to take rejection personally.

    I have an interview monday. Im not preparing for it. I will just be myself and be honest-they can take me or leave me and even if they do take me-it will be on my terms. X amount of money and 5days per week plus it has to be good experience and it has to be a busy place or else I dont want it..

    Stop trying to be who others want you to be. Be you and the right girl will come along
    "Don't ask a question if you can't handle the answer".

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Democratic People's Republic of Korea
    Quote Originally Posted by searock View Post
    9 months are nothing.

    Nine months is nothing.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by soccerguy987 View Post
    She often glanced at me on the day. Basically, the same relationship I have with the bride is the same relationship she has with the groom (cousins) and I was talking to the groom and she saw me then. My profile picture on twitter probs doesn't exactly show my face - so maybe I'll change it and then send another request few weeks down the line.

    If all fails - it's ok I'm not worried - after all it's just a girl and there's no doubt I won't see her again because I will.
    So ask your cousin (the bride) to ask her husband (the groom) to introduce you to his cousin.

    I shall await to hear what excuse you come up with as to why you can't do that. Anything to not have to actually address her in person... it seems.
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Michelle23 - Thanks for the informative posts. I guess I have always adapted to BE someone likeable - rather than myself. You see, as a kid I was often bullied, didn't have any friends and I always used to think that was because it is because of my personality/likes etc. I have since tried to be myself, but in my group of friends I'm like the "tease him/lower value" friend group. I'm not saying I have lousy friends, I have always adapted to being that person. Please don't get the assumption that my friends are crappy, because we often arrange lunch sessions to talk about soccer, day to day life and share jokes. Good luck for the interview also, that's a fantastic mind-set.a

    On the topic of rejection, whether it's dating/jobs etc, I used to handle it badly. I'm slowly growing out of it now, it'll take time for me to fully mentally get over rejection but I can handle it better than I did before.

    WakeUp - I have no excuse LOL! My cousin can often blurt (aka share publically) information like this so I'm gonna ask the groom direct

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Maybe its time to be a little more assertive? Stop turning the other cheek and laughing along at yourself.. tell them straight up that shit aint funny and to feck off. All you need to do is demand a little more respect-you can still keep your friendships intact but dont be the clown if you dont like it.

    I come across as a quiet, passive person. Most people think im sweet and cute-the type of person they just want to give a big bear hug. There always surprised though when they hear me bark coz im well able to hold my own when I need to. The whole workplace was shocked the other night when I threatened to kick two drunken mogs out lol.

    Dont always try to please everyone. Sometimes you gotta look after you. You sound young so maybe it will get better as you get older
    "Don't ask a question if you can't handle the answer".

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Thanks for advice Michelle! I'll keep it in mind. It's all a learning curve still for me - you would think someone who is in going into the second year of college/university would be good at this sort of thing! lol

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