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Thread: I don't understand at all

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Atlanta, GA
    My initial reaction to this thread is that she is not intentionally trying to play you or anything like that. She is probably stressed with schooling. Her friends are probably pressuring her to go out and have fun at parties, etc. She is worried about life/career/etc after the next couple weeks. She has a semi-serious/casual thing with the OP going on, but he is asking for commitment after a very short time. And who knows how many other things are going on in her mind right now.

    My point is this - cut her some slack. She probably doesn't know what she wants herself right now. I would bet that if you sat her down and asked her what she wants for dinner she would have a hard time figuring it out. She sounds like she is swimming in her head right now and is doing her best to please everyone, including herself. Let her clear out some of the noise around her and then she might make a little more sense to you.

    Good luck.
    Brought to you by Dating With Devon!

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Over 2 weeks and no call, no texts, nothing. I still don't understand why people just refuse be straightforward. IMO, it takes way more effort to come up with BS than it does to just say: "hey, this is how it is, etc. etc."
    Whatever. I've already started seeing someone else (so far, so good.)

    Thanks again, everyone.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    In my opinion, she's feeding you a bunch of bulls***. I agree with the previous poster who said that if you really were one of a kind to her, wouldn't she fight to stay with you?

    You sound like a great guy. But, there are these types of women who love the challenge of an a**hole type of guy. They are interesting creatures, these women -- say they want the perfect man who takes care of them -- then when they have it (ie. YOU) they say they "don't deserve someone like you" or some other BS. It's a load of crap. IMO, you laid it on too thick, too fast. She is looking for someone to treat her like sh*t.. subconsciously she knows this but its not something she would ever admit.

    Then again, I could be wrong.

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