Sounds like you are in this to 'win' from the tone of your posts. I don't think that's what Wakeup means by a positive attitude.
Cliche, but fits: do you want to be right or happy?
Anyway, counselling that leads to a break isn't a waste if its the right decision. If you already know you want to stay married, then you are wasting your time w/counselling, IMO. Just do the things you already know will lead to a better situation and find the self-control to avoid getting each other's back up. Same for your wife, but if your marriage is detente then someone has to extend the olive branch. Again, its not about 'right' its about happy. Like the Nike ads: just do it. B/c motivation for your efforts will come once you start seeing some results. Most people think that motivation works the other way around (motivation comes from results), but that's not true early on. You must prime the pump and your well has been empty for a long time. This will not be a quick fix, as Vash already said.
Second thoughts can generally be amended with judicious action; injudicious actions can seldom be recovered with second thoughts.
--Cyteen by C.J.Cherryh