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Thread: What if she Never calls?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Continue with No Contact. It's honestly the best remedy there is - that's why it's so heavily preached on this forum, and on any other forum you visit.

    I know you're going to want to hear this but - you need to move on! She obviously has picked herself up and gotten on with her life, even if it was her that got dumped. Therefore you should do the same, rest assured she's not waiting for your phone call or email. These are tough pills to swallow, but it's something that you need to accept.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    OK, I'm getting sick of this whiney thread so the gloves are off.

    You have had the privilege of having attracted a girl half your age. You drove her away and she's now with a more age-appropriate man and she's forgotten you and your drama.

    She wants him now and not you. She's probably having sex with him as I write this.

    If you have an ounce of self-preservation instinct, you will move on with someone you can share a real relationship.

    Oh ... she probably just finished with him while I wrote this and they are sharing a cigarette.

    Get a life, man!

    Last edited by carl1222; 29-11-08 at 11:34 AM.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Virginia Beach
    Quote Originally Posted by boobaa View Post
    3 weeks and she found another. Oh man! You are ****ed. No, actually it is the opposite, she is being ****ed good, you are not.

    This man speaks the truth.. If she was coming back, she wouldn't be sucking some other dude off..

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Very Broken View Post
    Hey guys. Just an update on my broken heart...

    I sent her a text today simply saying "Happy Thanksgiving"
    And yes, she replied! She replied!!! It made my day. She just said happy thanksgiving too. But that is a big step. right? I did not expect that at all. I did not reply back, that was good enough for me!

    So now what? Please Advise!
    Wow she did? There's a girl I'm interested in who didn't reply my messages and I never had any sort of relationship with her other than acquaintance. I only sent things twice and on a friendly basis... Guess she doesn't like SMS.

    Anyway, here's how I view it.

    You're 41.

    You probably have money.


    A nice home.

    A high-paying job.


    That George Clooney-ish charm of a middle-aged man.

    You can have ANY girl you want!!! I'd go for a 30-year-old women, they look nice and are more mature.

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