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Thread: old crush

  1. #16
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Converse View Post

    Did you hear that?! That is sound of the world being set on fire.
    Shit! and all because of a note.

    Quote Originally Posted by Converse View Post
    Saying "Little bitch" always brings me to chuckle lol.
    That is why I use it. lol
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  2. #17
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    Why not make up your mind. You still like her? You don't? Don't waste your time telling a girl that you used to like her...

  3. #18
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    man, i did not create this with the expectancy of the world catching on fire, lol. i still dont know what i am going to do. both sides makes sense, i'd just have to think about it more.

  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by sgp View Post
    man, i did not create this with the expectancy of the world catching on fire, lol. i still dont know what i am going to do. both sides makes sense, i'd just have to think about it more.
    Just freaking do what you want to do. Don't say "I used to like you" though, make sure to say "I do like you".
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  5. #20
    vashti's Avatar
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    Yeah, and then listen for the uncomfortable pause....

    ::crickets chirping::
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by vashti View Post
    Yeah, and then listen for the uncomfortable pause....

    ::crickets chirping::
    Listen? I thought he is giving a note...as in he wont actually be there.
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Only-virgins View Post
    He would do it because he likes her. Why not do it? what? you scared? Maybe he is hesitating but I didn't. I sent a letter like that while knowing well that it may achieve nothing...but...I don't give a ****ing shit of what you or anyone thinks honestly. I don't have to move on to anything I don't want to. Oh, and what ever I had to say to you I did...so that doesn't make any sense when you said that.

    I bet your girlfriend, if you had one, is a fat ugly bitch cause you are so good at moving on. Don't call people losers when you are one yourself you little bitch. Maybe the dude wanted some closure.
    look you ****ing ignorant sap, i didnt call you a loser cause i dont know you, just like you dont know me, one thing i do know about you is that you are still in love with some bitch you met in high school and i think you are in your mid 20s now, now thats just plain ****ing pathetic and if anyone's a bitch it is you, i hit a nerve as this topic relates to you, and tell me if you are so tough why didnt you tell that girl face to face???? the fact is if that if you sent that letter to a bitch who has already moved on, you ARE a ****ing loser, grow a pair and move on, there are heaps of other girls out there

    listen to all the replies you dumb ****, the females (who i think are in a better position to comment) all say there is no point in doing it

    i dont have a girlfriend but moving on is a mandatory part of human life, as i said before failing to do so is a sign of weak mind, how is he going to get closure, he never even went out with this girl??

    no need to get your panties in a twist, you insulted me first and i am just returning the favour
    Last edited by zro; 24-05-07 at 11:55 AM.

  8. #23
    Gribble's Avatar
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    All over the damn place.
    OV, you know what's funny? Guys who post bullshit like zro never actually talk that way in person. I wonder why...

  9. #24
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    gerbil you know whats funny? chances are we will never meet, so whats the point of opening your cock infested mouth - this had nothing to do with you, whether you believe me or not, not only do i talk like that (but with a stutter) but chances are if you talk back to me i would be more than happy to try to rearrange your face, heck you called me a poster child for violence - so you must believe me...hahahaha

    and if i post bullshit, how come poeple agree with me - not that i really give a **** bit thats proof that what i post most of the time is spot on, dont ****ing be a bitch and refuse to handle the cold truth, thats why i suspect you dont like me, you know i am right and it eats you up inside

    but since we will never meet, how about you mind your own ****ing business
    Last edited by zro; 24-05-07 at 12:22 PM. Reason: fucking grammar

  10. #25
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    What truth? what the hell are you talking about? You say that you struck a nerve? What nerve? I don't really care what you think. Gribble didn't even say much and you jump on his cock like a douche. You think your advice is the only right way, go to hell dude...there is a reason why there is more then just one person here to give advice. I for one say he should just do whatever he wants to do. I sent the letter and you know what? I didn't get an answer, nothing was achieved, no one cared, and maybe even she got a laugh out of it....but I do know one thing...that I felt better and happier for doing it. I am not a loser for liking someone from the past, if I find a girl worthy of me moving onto then I will...but I have not and it is really simple as that.

    Oh and gribble doesn't have to mind his own business, this is a public forum.

    Quote Originally Posted by zro View Post
    having hopes for some girl you really never knew from back in high school shows a weak ****ing mind
    You did call me a loser, you said that anyone who sends a letter like that is one and I sent one. I would like you to tell me how it logically makes sense that a weak mind would have hopes for a girl from the past you never really knew? It is all opinion, I can say the reverse and it makes just as much sense. Only a weak ****ing mind lacks the ability to hold onto something, you have to have a weak mind to move on because you are not strong enough to hold on. See? happy?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gribble View Post
    OV, you know what's funny? Guys who post bullshit like zro never actually talk that way in person. I wonder why...
    You know what is even more funny? Guys like zro................period.
    Last edited by Only-virgins; 24-05-07 at 12:49 PM.
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  11. #26
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    what you need gerbil to fight for you?? you a pussy??

    look virgin, you dont know me and you are right you shouldnt give a **** about my opinion, thats why its better to hear this from me before its too late, move on, if you keep living in the past - you will get to 35 and think ****, i have been too occupied in the past that i have missed out on my future - its very easy to hold onto the past its a ****ing execuse and a reason to stay in your little ****ing shell, it takes more courage to face NEW challenges

    why do you think i am saying this?? as gerbil and half the board know, i can swear at you and berad you like a bitch, but i am not - i dont know you, maybe you are the ugliest mother****er on the planet, maybe you have more mental problems than britney spears and anna nicole combined.... i dont know, but you sound smart enough to understand my logic, and regardless of my opinion EVERYONE (even gerbil) deserves to find that "true love", quit living in the past and just maybe you might find it.....thats just my ****ing opinion, take it or leave it...see if i give a flying ****

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by zro View Post
    what you need gerbil to fight for you?? you a pussy??

    look virgin, you dont know me and you are right you shouldnt give a **** about my opinion, thats why its better to hear this from me before its too late, move on, if you keep living in the past - you will get to 35 and think ****, i have been too occupied in the past that i have missed out on my future - its very easy to hold onto the past its a ****ing execuse and a reason to stay in your little ****ing shell, it takes more courage to face NEW challenges

    why do you think i am saying this?? as gerbil and half the board know, i can swear at you and berad you like a bitch, but i am not - i dont know you, maybe you are the ugliest mother****er on the planet, maybe you have more mental problems than britney spears and anna nicole combined.... i dont know, but you sound smart enough to understand my logic, and regardless of my opinion EVERYONE (even gerbil) deserves to find that "true love", quit living in the past and just maybe you might find it.....thats just my ****ing opinion, take it or leave it...see if i give a flying ****
    Yea, you have the answer to it all. You even know what "true love" is. You sound like a raving paranoid lunatic, read your own posts for crying out loud. The fact that you think that anyone is fighting here is funny, you are a perfect example of one of those internet thugs, Don't mess with me or I will argue with you over the internet! lol. You think I don't know where you are coming from or that I have not heard it before, you are confused. Your opinion is fine, and if it makes you happy then I am glad...but don't make it sound like I do some kind of rituals around the pictures of the girl from the past, I simply like her...as soon as someone better comes along don't worry...ill be all over that shit like bananas. I face challenges all the time, I would be using this as an excuse for what?

    This isn't about letting go though, this guy just wants to send a harmless letter that might make him feel better or maybe even get him a reply back. WTF is the big deal?
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  13. #28
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    you are right, i havent been in love before, but that doesnt mean i cant look for it, and who said anything about rituals mother****er?? you should go and read your posts and be honest with yourself, liking a girl you hardly knew back in high school when you are in you mid 20s IS ****ING PATHETIC...simple, internet thug?? i have never heard that term before, must be some sort of bitch slang, when did i ever say anything about being a "thug"??

    and you would be using that execuse to not meet new girls and give them a chance if you keep comparing them to this bitch from your high school years, and to be honest i dont fully know your situation - but chances are you never really knew this girl, yet you use her as a comparison template.....you dont see anything wrong with that faggot??

  14. #29
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    How do you know what to look for then?

    Unbelievable, you have to be some new breed of idiot. I was using the term thug in "Internet thug" to describe your behavior. I don't understand how and why what I say would confuse you so much. You find it odd that I call you a thug and then you go on to call me a fagot, a gay person, right..because being obsessed with a girl would definitly make me gay. Not to mention that you can't even spell fagot right.

    How would I use her as a comparison template if I didn't know her back then? Do I visually? I don't know...does it matter? considering that most people would prefer to move up in life...specially onto better looking women lol
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  15. #30
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    how do i know what to look for?? i dont really know, but i can tell you i am not looking in the past for it and especially in girls that dont want to reciprocate

    call me an idiot, i have been called alot worse by poeple who mattered more to me than you do - how is me calling you a faggot considered thuggish behaviour, i dont sell drugs and dont carry a gun....and if i wanted a spelling lesson, i will make sure i ask you for advice

    if you think that good looks constitutes "love" - you really do have a lot of growing up to do, i dont know what "love" is yet....but i do know that it does not constitute of good looks alone

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