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Agreed. Never tried to learn Japanese, but German has a LOT of similarities to English. They don't call English a "germanic" language for no reason.
TheKissPolice - the best way to get better at speaking a language is by speaking it as much as possible. It DOESN'T MATTER if your syntax is bad - people will understand you anyway. The more you speak to other people and listen to them, the more random useful things you will learn about the language and soon you will become used to using them yourself, but the only way to do it is PRACTICE.
If you can find something similar, I recommend a Tandem program, where you can be paired with an English speaker who's learning Japanese, and spend half your time together speaking English, half in Japanese. That way you both get to practice, and it's a pretty low-pressure situation. I have two such partners for German and even though I've gotten past the point (FINALLY) where I'm shy talking to new people because of the language barrier, it's very good to have someone who you know will help you and give you suggestions.
"In 96 hours, Jack Bauer has killed 93 terrorists and saved the world 4 times. What the **** have you done with your life?"