Originally Posted by
Cyborg, if your sisters say this, then this is what the rest of the world sees about you, and whether or not it is an accurate depiction of you, people will often find it to be too much work to get to know the real you.
I think that although you express a certain level of hostility about women, you are probably most angry at yourself for not being able to overcome your shyness. Something to consider about shyness is that when you are preoccupied with concern about your own level of discomfort , you are unable to completely focus your attention on another person. For this reason, it has been said that being shy is a form of selfishness - shy people are entirely too focused on the self.
Try to take yourself outside of your head and make it your mission to find out something of genuine interest about another person. Everyone has something very interesting and non-trivial about themselves, male or female, so you can even practice this on your buddies. Quit worrying about how you sound to them - it will become obvious if they are uncomfortable, and people are generally very narcissistic and like to discuss themselves.
You will have better luck meeting quality girls who will find YOU interesting if you take up some sort of hobby/cause/charitable work that you feel passionate and positive about, preferably one that is conducive to gathering in groups.
Aren't you a student? There ought to be some girls you can connect to at school. Check out some of the clubs on campus. Not all the girls at school are slutty little dumb-dumbs. Your girl is out there waiting for you to find her.
Best advice you'll get, cyborgg.
-to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.- e.e.cummings