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Thread: I met a girl on World of Warcraft

  1. #16
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Manske View Post
    I just found this website a few minutes ago, and I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but whatever.

    Basically, while I was leveling a new character on the MMORPG World of Warcraft, I met this person in a new guild. She so happens to be a 15 year old beautiful girl that loves to play the game like I do. Now before you think I'm a pedo, I'm 17. We exchanged myspaces within hours of talking to each other, and now we talk for at least 6 hours a day, either in text or on a program called Ventrilo, where we actually talk. It's getting to the point now where I play this game only to talk to her and play with her. I hate when I have to get off, but can't wait until I can get on the next day, just so I can hear her beautiful voice again. When I'm lying in bed, all I can think about is imagining meeting her in real life and loving her like I would do if she were here. The thing I love most of all is that I really can be myself when I talk to her. I tend to be abrasive and push away a lot of people by my personality, but it doesn't affect her at all, in fact I think she likes it.
    Mansk, you have a crush. She is not a real girl to you at this point. You're projecting all your hopes and expectations onto her because of your loneliness and desire for a girlfriend in your life.

    Have you seen pictures of this girl? Talked to her on a webcam? There are many missing pieces to this puzzle.

    If you choose to pursue some kind of relationship with her, it will be very hard. There is the distance, your ages, lack of finances, and not to mention the fact that it's extremely hard to really get to know someone in a strictly online fashion. It's ok to stay in touch with her as a friend, but I would reel in your expectations about her as a real girlfriend for you...BIG TIME.

    I'm not going to criticize you for your hobbies, but you deserve a girl who is going to be there for you in PERSON. There must be at least a few local girls who play WoW. And if not, you could always convert a local girl into a WoW player. I know a few girls who didn't play until their boyfriends introduced them to the game and then ended up loving it. Perhaps you're just afraid to go out and meet them? Rejection is a bitch.

    But unfortunately online relationships can seem almost as lonely as being alone.
    Last edited by starbuck; 07-01-09 at 07:45 AM.
    “Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist”--George Carlin

  2. #17
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    Jan 2009
    Well I am going to speak a word of fairness for Mansk.
    Online relationships do WORK!
    In case you have no idea, out of every 10 married couples in the USA, 4 of them met through online relationships.

    I do believe in online relationships but it takes really two committed parties to mantain.

    Let me stress why everyone thinks online relationship is so dumb and it just won't work. This is because no matter how much love there is, nothing replaces face to face comfort. They don't always fail however, and with enough patience and compromise, both parties can feel satisfied with it.

    Here are some ways to maintain your relationship with her:
    1. Try to talk every day for atleast an hour or longer. Take out time to be online, and work around your schedules to have an uninterrupted hour together everyday.

    2. Avoid Distraction. When you're talking to your significant other, talk to them exclusively, even if it's just for a little bit. It's like the online equivalent of a date or talking on the phone, and if you can give them your undivided attention then, why not online as well?

    3. Use programs that enable you to talk to them, such as the Voice Conversation feature of MSN or Skype. MSN and Emails are good, but nothing beats talking to someone.

    4. Enforce the sense of closeness by asking him to play music for you over Voice Conversation, or using Voice Clips. If you both like, you could sing favorite songs together over VC, and take turns to play music for each other.

    5. To keep the spice in the relationship, send each other random playful emails at unusual or unexpected times of the day. There's nothing more pleasant than coming home after a long day and finding an unexpected sweet email waiting for you.

    6. Remember important events, such as a test they've been stressing about, and email them a good luck card [plenty of websites allow you to do so for free]

    7. Play games together online. MSN offers some good online games, and several PC games can be played with a partner, such as Audi. This once again gives a feeling of closeness despite not being physically together.

    8. Consider making a joint email account if you don't want anyone else to accidentally read an email your significant other sends you or visa versa. Make it something to do with you both, such as your names or birthdays or even favorite songs/bands, and send emails from your account to that account for them to read.

    9. Play the Anywhere Anytime Anyhow game, which works great if you both have Blackberries [which allow instant email updates] where one person emails the other person a task and no matter what the person's doing, they have to complete the task [make the tasks fun!]

    10. Be romantic and send the other person random gifts, which can work even if the couple lives in different countries by checking out websites that delivers flowers/teddies in their country and placing an order online.

    11. Use MSN to your advantage. For MSN users, let your display pictures be pictures of the two of you, and sync your MSN nicks [such as both use a line from a song you both like, or have your personal message as a countdown for when you see them next]

    12. Be involved in the other person's life. Sometimes having an online relationship can really work for you in the sense that you have things written down [in emails or conversations] and they make good reference to go over in case you're bad with names or can't keep incidents straight in you head, or simply want to double check something they said. Ask them specific questions which show that you're involved in their life.

    13. Having a fight online is probably one of the worst things because its so easy to cut someone out if internet is the only connection between you two. Also it's hard to tell the tone from a bunch of words written on a page. Always, always, always take a step back, calm down before hastily replying and back off if you need to. Sometimes you may not mean something harsh, but the other person won't realize that and get hurt.

    14. Limit joking/sarcasm to phone conversations. Sometimes people get mixed messages from being unable to tell the tone, and don't understand if it was said in a jocular manner or if the other person meant it.

    -Source from wikihow
    Last edited by Jerichoholics; 07-01-09 at 09:25 PM.

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerichoholics View Post
    Blah blah blah...
    Yeah, well, these kids are 15 and 17 with likely no chance to regularly meet. Their "relationship" will fail.
    I don't chase, I replace.

  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Manske View Post
    I just found this website a few minutes ago, and I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but whatever.

    Basically, while I was leveling a new character on the MMORPG World of Warcraft, I met this person in a new guild. She so happens to be a 15 year old beautiful girl that loves to play the game like I do. Now before you think I'm a pedo, I'm 17. We exchanged myspaces within hours of talking to each other, and now we talk for at least 6 hours a day, either in text or on a program called Ventrilo, where we actually talk. It's getting to the point now where I play this game only to talk to her and play with her. I hate when I have to get off, but can't wait until I can get on the next day, just so I can hear her beautiful voice again. When I'm lying in bed, all I can think about is imagining meeting her in real life and loving her like I would do if she were here. The thing I love most of all is that I really can be myself when I talk to her. I tend to be abrasive and push away a lot of people by my personality, but it doesn't affect her at all, in fact I think she likes it.

    1. I live in Indiana, and she lives in Nevada.
    2. How do I know if she feels the same way?
    3. If she does feel the same way towards me, do I tell her online or wait to meet her in real life?

    I probably left some information out, so feel free to ask me anything. halp me plzzz.
    Well #1 isn't really a problem for you; one one of you gets older and is financially able to support yourself, you can move in together. The problem is waiting for that to happen.

    2. Well nobody spends 6 hours a day talking to someone if they are not in love. Come on, that's a gimme.

    Three tell her what? That you love her? Well, you might want to hold off on that one until you've known her for a few months or so... but you should definitely ask her if she is interested in having a long distance relationship with you. The only way it's really going to work out though is if you have definite plans to be together in the future. You have to make sure she would wait for you.

  5. #20
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    Jerichoholics, you mentioned that 4 out of 10 marriages were when the two people met online. But that's AFTER the online relationship, that doesn't mean you can solely have an online relationship. You NEED to see them physically for it to work. Waiting months and years online won't do it.

    I met my boyfriend online in 2007, but we barely talk on MSN now. We talk mainly through texts, on the phone, and seeing each other in real life.

  6. #21
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    WoW is a poison for someone your age.

    "What you really fear is inside yourself. You fear your own power.
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  7. #22
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    It sounds harsh, but it's more true than its mean.

  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerichoholics View Post
    In case you have no idea, out of every 10 married couples in the USA, 4 of them met through online relationships.
    Do you have stats on this? This sounds really off to me.
    “Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist”--George Carlin

  9. #24
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    Indiana is a good state

  10. #25
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    my sister left her husband for a man she met online, she went and moved in with the man and his family.. taking her 2 sons with her. Which i found extremly unfair to the kids.. But they met on a game alot like wow and talked on vent the same as you do.

    Dont listen to people when they say it will never work. If you love her, go for it. By not saying anything and just being friends is fine but you will loose out on what you really want. Take the risks and make it work if thats what you want.

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndrewL View Post
    my sister left her husband for a man she met online, she went and moved in with the man and his family.. taking her 2 sons with her. Which i found extremly unfair to the kids.. But they met on a game alot like wow and talked on vent the same as you do.

    Dont listen to people when they say it will never work. If you love her, go for it. By not saying anything and just being friends is fine but you will loose out on what you really want. Take the risks and make it work if thats what you want.
    Don't listen to fools like this.

  12. #27
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    Is WoW really that addicting? I played it once. I couldn't stomach the virtually plotless video game. I do enjoy an occasional Warcraft 3 match though - that's as fun as Command and Conquer.

  13. #28
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    Do any of you that are telling him to go for it really understand what you're doing?

    He's 17.

    She's 15.

    Do you know what I would say to this 17 year old if it was my daughter?

    "Get the **** real. Come near her and I'll cut your dick off and choke you with it."
    I don't chase, I replace.

  14. #29
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    All over the damn place.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cain View Post
    "Get the **** real. Come near her and I'll cut your dick off and choke you with it."
    Do you seriously believe his dick is big enough for that?
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  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cain View Post
    Do any of you that are telling him to go for it really understand what you're doing?

    He's 17.

    She's 15.

    Do you know what I would say to this 17 year old if it was my daughter?

    "Get the **** real. Come near her and I'll cut your dick off and choke you with it."
    Meh, I just answered the poor boy's questions.

    Yeah, since neither of them are adults and since they live so far away, the situation is very unlikely to be successful, I agree.

    Why would you be so nasty to a boy if he met your daughter on a videogame? That's practically harassing a minor. I know it's a silly situation, but if he's a nice boy, and he makes your daughter happy, I don't see what the problem would be. At least he is too far away to get into her panties.

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