We must be related, Mish.
Yep, pack it up & clean out her stuff. Don't throw it away (well, the tampons can go), but put in neatly in boxes for storage.
Question: is he keeping this stuff b/c he's still attached to her, or just that he's a slob & can't be bothered. VERY different reasons.
Second thoughts can generally be amended with judicious action; injudicious actions can seldom be recovered with second thoughts.
--Cyteen by C.J.Cherryh
It is quite the contrary to what you think. They bought property together (with a mortgage). She at the time contributed more to the deposit. He is paying back the deposit money to her plus repayments until they can sell when the tennants lease is expired. I actually think that shows that he won't run away from an ex when he has responsibility. Also I don't have money.
He NEVER said the nasty things I DID...very tongue in cheek of course. I have seen pictures of her and I have seen her clothes. So I couldn't help myself haha. Cmon who on this forum has never seen a pic of the ex and thought..."phew they aren't that hot!"
He told me that he wasn't head over heels with her but that's fine. I told him that my last relationship wasn't a "head over heels" one either.
Um and finally...the clothes have been packed away last night!!!
This weekend we are packing my house up. So it is all good
for as many times as i've looked at a boyfriends ex and gone "ewwwwwww" i've seen ex boyfriends get ewwwwwwwwwie girlfriends after me.
guys like ugly girls.
baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.
He sounds lazy as hell. Hope you like taking care of his business for him.
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