Tiay: Thanks, that was helpful.
LostNotFound: We've done exactly that; talk and talk and talk...and talk, and orgasm in other ways, and talk, and try, and I go from being soaking wet to something similar to a desert in less than a second as soon as we're about to...because the fear kicks in and overpowers everything else. But oh, I want to.
Loveable Leo: That was a very encouraging post, despite some of your experiences. That you were even able to do the deed after going through that is strong.
My fear doesn't stem from anything in particular (I tend to overthink and over-analyse things too much though - there is absolutely no reason for it), unlike yours.
The bastard. At least he made your first time experience good.
(I'll have my boyfriend read all this, but he has already been very gentle with me; he is always looking out for my best)
All of you, I appreciate that you're sharing and not laughing at me. I guess it's true what they say, that most people have some type of phobia, and I just happened to have this ridiculous one. It's definitely progressed beyond just "fear".
Will keep you posted. Thanks again.