Originally Posted by
You've made it clear: she hasn't made the decision to make the change. NOT YOUR ****ING CHOICE. GOT IT?
Your choice is? To get the fark out of the relationship and ask her to leave. Stop pussy footing around the issue.
She makes excuses because she knows that you bringing an exercise machine to the house means
you mean business and she is NOT ready to begin a new regimen...and lose weight.
She won't do it for herself....WHY is she going to do it for you? Exactly. She won't.
Stop playing the violin dude. Just stop it. You are you and she isn't you.
Just because you have the motivation, doesn't mean she does, nor ever will.
Either accept this and move on or? Be prepared to resent her more and more with each new passing pound.
At that point: IT IS ALL YOUR FAULT, not hers.
Not your problem. You aren't the kid's father. Do the math sir!
14 when she had the kid + no father in sight + she is overweight = you're a fool for getting involved with someone
you KNEW was fat to begin with and I suspect you used her situation to bed her. Cowards do this shit.
I just don't understand that such a strapping intellectually sound young man such as yourself could entertain such
an immature, unstable and insecure little girl who has a 5 yr old, especially when they are physically the polar opposite of
you? I mean WTF?????????
If you don't see what she has to offer then GTFO of the relationship and kick her out. Simple really.
You are offering her an opportunity? Thank you modern day Jesus! She should
kiss your smelly ass feet, and lick your teets because of this great, selfless gift you've kindly bestowed upon this
uh what did you call her, "broke ass" girl who's also a fat single mother?
Sure, it's easy to bitch, moan and complain about someone else BUT:
Now tell me....What does this say about you? Ouch, huh?
No one is judging you. Your actions speak volumes for your feelings for her.
Your version of a relationship is a sad, joke...played at her expense.
You're embarrassed of her too? Wow.
So...you can do so much better?
THEN DO IT. I bet the very reason for getting with this girl was because she was
-easy, vulnerable and highly insecure about herself. Tell me different...I know you can't.