Nah, it's not like that. Actually, if we're going by looks, I think this girl from school is actually pretty cute, and has a very attractive body. I hate going by looks, though, because then it feels like the motivation is sex, and I feel bad for wanting sex, because that just feels "wrong" to me.
I tend to base things on personality. If we want to discuss why this girl is only "okay" to me, it has to do a lot with the fact that I want to be with a girl who's not the bubbly "girly" girl type, but not a total "tomboy". The girl I actually had feelings for was pretty much the perfect middle ground. She was a very nice, caring person, but she was also very stern, straightforward, unabashed, and independent. This girl from class sits more in the "bubbly girly girl" range, from what I've seen, and thus, I only really think of her as "okay".
I suppose if I have a chance to talk to the girl from school when there's nobody else around (which probably isn't very likely), I could maybe try asking her out. As someone who overthinks stuff, though, I wonder how I should go about doing that. I mean, she's chatted with me a couple times, but I've barely said much to her at all; so would it be weird if I asked her out? Should I spend the next couple of weeks trying to chat with her a little before I ask her out? And if/ when I actually ask her out, should I actually ask her on a date, or should I just ask for her number to contact her later, or what? I don't really know how this stuff "normally" works.