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Thread: Philosophy: Existence of God

  1. #16
    bluesummer's Avatar
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    i don't know if I believe in 'God' necessarily. I'm open to the idea of some kind of higher power, but I reject the traditional idea of a god, in any religion.

    The thing is, people have this fruitless NEED for an answer to our existence, a purpose for our being, a belief that there is someone or something that protects us.....so they create 'God' or gods. Maybe that answer doesn't exist? And the reality is.....we will never know. So why obsess over it.
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  2. #17
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    Kiechi----"The essay title is "Can we prove the existence of God through human behaviour?".

    Hehh heh....when I saw this, the first thought that popped into my head was:
    "Bad human behaviour proves that the Devil exists".

    Go from there......

  3. #18
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    Continue with the fact that if god has the power to do anything and bad people exist then god is the devil or he doesnt exist.
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  4. #19
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    Noone can prove God exists, end of.

  5. #20
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    how do you prove anything exists?

  6. #21
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    all is bounded by human rationality. The way we define things to make them understandable is just an interpretation of reality, and is just a pretty futile fumbling to give an understanding of that same reality. Then again, what choice do we have?
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  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by misombra
    how do you prove anything exists?
    True but noones gonna know if God exists untill we die, lol.

  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by misombra
    how do you prove anything exists?
    I like this post

    Actually the theory for the existance of God is just as paradoxical as the Big Bang theory (Our only scientific explanation to date) if not more logical. You either believe that space, time and matter came out of nothing or you believe that space, time and matter came out from God.
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  9. #24
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    Actually not. The Big Bang is supported by many facts such as cosmic background radiation, doppler red shifts, and ratios of chemical elements in the universe. Each of these were predicated by the Big Bang Theory before they were discovered. As for matter coming from nothing, it has been demonstrated that very tiny particle-antiparticle pairs can spontaneously pop into and out of existence. This is known as quantum fluctuation as described by quantum physics. It turns out a vacuum is not truly empty at all; it contains energy which may be used to create.

    Oh yeah, how is God as logical if not more logical than the Big Bang Theory?

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeoSeminole
    Actually not. The Big Bang is supported by many facts such as cosmic background radiation, doppler red shifts, and ratios of chemical elements in the universe. Each of these were predicated by the Big Bang Theory before they were discovered. As for matter coming from nothing, it has been demonstrated that very tiny particle-antiparticle pairs can spontaneously pop into and out of existence. This is known as quantum fluctuation as described by quantum physics. It turns out a vacuum is not truly empty at all; it contains energy which may be used to create.
    E = MC square theory, we know that. Big Bang Argues that no energy (I.e. matter) was in existance, prior the bang as well as no time or space which that energy could occupy. So nothing is not something with energy in it, nothing is nothing (No matter, energy and no time or space which it could occupy). Can you show an example of matter coming out of nothing and into existance?
    Last edited by Mish; 08-02-06 at 11:27 AM.
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  11. #26
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    it doesn't imply that the universe was made of nothing, it says it was made from an atom. can you imagine? one atom could give birth to all the gallaxies, stars, supernovas, black holes, planets...

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by misombra
    it doesn't imply that the universe was made of nothing, it says it was made from an atom. can you imagine? one atom could give birth to all the gallaxies, stars, supernovas, black holes, planets...
    But Atom is matter

    According to the scientists who believe in it universe was made out of nothing and no form of atoms or matter existed.

    In models of the Big Bang, Big Bang nucleosynthesis predicts that within one to three minutes of the Big Bang almost all atomic material in the universe was created.
    Last edited by Mish; 08-02-06 at 12:17 PM.
    Don't cry, don't regret and don't blame
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  13. #28
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    dude, you are mistaken about the Big Bang Theory. It does not argue what happened before time and space began. The theory describes how this universe came to be from a single infinitesimally small, dense and hot state. i.e. what happened after time and space began. I mentioned earlier that vacuums are not truly empty in the classical sense. They contain energy in the form of virtual matter that exist for very brief moments of time. If you want to learn more, I suggest you look up quantum vacuums.

  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeoSeminole
    It does not argue what happened before time and space began.
    It does. It says time and space were created by Big Bang and did not exist prior Big Bang Happened.

    Quote Originally Posted by NeoSeminole
    The theory describes how this universe came to be from a single infinitesimally small, dense and hot state. i.e. what happened after time and space began.
    Big Bang describes that there was nothing in existance prior Big Bang. No Small, dense or hot states, since they could not have existed due to no energy, matter, time or space existing prior the Bang.

    Quote Originally Posted by NeoSeminole
    I mentioned earlier that vacuums are not truly empty in the classical sense. They contain energy in the form of virtual matter that exist for very brief moments of time. If you want to learn more, I suggest you look up quantum vacuums.
    And I mentioned earlier that this is not the case according to the Big Bang Theory. According to Big Bang theory there was no energy in existance and nothing that has or could have energy existed prior to Big Bang.

    I will post a quote from the Big Bang Time Line for your reference.

    The Primordial Age - from 0 years to 379,000 years

    The Planck Epoch: 10-43 seconds

    The Universe, which includes time, space, and everything in it, begins with the Big Bang 13.7 ± 0.2 billion years ago.

    And here is the link [url]http://www.answers.com/topic/timeline-of-the-big-bang[/url]

    Now the real question is, do you agree with the information provided in that link???
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  15. #30
    vashti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeoSeminole
    dude, you are mistaken about the Big Bang Theory. It does not argue what happened before time and space began. The theory describes how this universe came to be from a single infinitesimally small, dense and hot state. i.e. what happened after time and space began. I mentioned earlier that vacuums are not truly empty in the classical sense. They contain energy in the form of virtual matter that exist for very brief moments of time. If you want to learn more, I suggest you look up quantum vacuums.
    This is the way I heard it told, too.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

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