Originally Posted by
zonay...although kinsey's findings helped open society's prude mind to what was actually going on in the bedroom across the country...i wouldn't' quote his findings as fact. his research practices were far from what would be considered unbiased. BUT i do agree with your point. to project women as the cheaters is just silly...it does take two to tango. in the OP's situation both she and the coworker cheated.
to the OP...why on earth would you want to pursue things with this coworker? he knew you were married...and even worse to his "friend" and coworker. if he's ok with having an affair with you, then what's to stop him from doing so in the future to you??? he's not worth your time, and shame on you for being so ignorant/selfish about all this.
you need to tell your husband yesterday. he needs to know. you have already given up your right to make any decisions regarding your marraige. tell your husband what happened and let him decide what the next step is. if you are lucky, he'll be willing to work on things with you. if i were in your husband's shoes, i'd kick you to the curb. not only did you cheat on him and throw all commitments you made to him by marrying him out the window, but you shamed him by doing it with someone that he works with and considers a friend. he deserves to know, and you deserve to be alone.
Because she is a slut.
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