I could never cheat on anyone no matter how crappy the relationship may be going...ever.
I could never cheat on anyone no matter how crappy the relationship may be going...ever.
Wrong, disasterjohn. I believe that everyone is tempted at one point or another, given the proper circumstances.
not me im sorry... maybe im a little old fashioned.. but i would never do it... no matter who she was or what she had to offer.
How old are you?
Old enough to know better than to cheat on someone... I know I would feel like shit if someone did it to me.. I definately wouldnt do it to someone else... im just not that sorta person.
Me neither. It's just that I have seen plenty of people who aren't "that type" do it anyway after being married 10-15-20 years. It makes me think that none of us REALLY know how we will react when intensly attracted to someone new unless we have actually experienced the feeling and not acted upon it...
You may be right... i'd feel too guilty to allow myself to go through with it.
If he admits to it and openly...chances are he will do it again. Also, by telling you that all men cheat....well um...I think hes jumping the gun talking for all men out there....
If you can handle this....then fine. But if you know up front what could possibly happen......and then you end up shocked and upset down the road cuz he cheated on you....then we can't say much except for that we saw it coming....
Appreciate the good times and learn from the bad times....
Break it off! How could you ever trust someone like that?
werd.Originally Posted by Late_vamp
'sombra knows what's up.
Originally Posted by Seb87
BULLSH**T, as thick as it comes.
I will never, ever, cheat on my lady.
Your man is fighting for our country..he is risking his life for us. You should let some minor indescretion like this go. Tell him how much you love him..and dont judge him for this one fault.
How would you like it if he laid into you for your shortcomings?
carpflounder do you agree with this guy that all men cheat?
cheat on him, then his values will change.
but thats mean. you could appear to have cheated on him, then his values will change. and then you can tell him that you didnt, and you two will live happily ever after....