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Thread: Will this boy ever grow up???

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I think you're right.

    Listen, I was in a lackluster marriage for many years, myself. I understand the appeal of the Rebound Clown, and how important it is that he's a sexy antitheses to your ex, but you must understand that he is ONLY a rebound guy. That's all. Not a keeper.

    Don't give up on romance. I got married again last year to a man I love more that I thought possible. This could happen for you too. Make choices that create opportunity for happiness and you might just get some.
    Spammer Spanker

  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch View Post
    I think you're right.

    Listen, I was in a lackluster marriage for many years, myself. I understand the appeal of the Rebound Clown, and how important it is that he's a sexy antitheses to your ex, but you must understand that he is ONLY a rebound guy. That's all. Not a keeper.

    Don't give up on romance. I got married again last year to a man I love more that I thought possible. This could happen for you too. Make choices that create opportunity for happiness and you might just get some.
    Thank you soooo much for this advice!!! You are so right. I can't help but think there is no romance anymore since I pined after this guy for years. It was all an illusion--my mind imagining a happy, fulfilling relationship. But you know what's even sadder? My ex husband was a rebound guy, too! He was there right after I had a bad break-up to comfort me and be there for me emotionally. But I guess he was a rebound guy in a different sense-not sexually. We were married for 5 years.

    I'm happy you were able to find happiness after all of that. It's good to know that romance does exist. It gives me some hope

    So..next question: At what point is a guy NOT a rebound guy then?

  3. #18
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    I'm sorry but this man sounded like a nightmare. I thought my partner was childish.

  4. #19
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    Haha...I spoke today with my stepmother about all this and she thinks I am being shallow! She says there are more important things than money. She thinks there is no harm in continuing to date him. Well...she is someone who I think is addicted to prescription meds, sleeps all day long-has a nanny take care of her kid even though she doesn't work or leave the house. She had a chance to meet him for like 5 minutes once and thinks we "look" perfect together. Aaargh...is she just evil and trying to sabbotage me? Does she have a point? Based upon everyone's answer here, it doesn't sound like it. Grrrr....she is just mean or stupid.

  5. #20
    vashti's Avatar
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    Money isn't really your issue though, is it? He's irresponsible, and that is not a problem that can be fixed (not by you, anyway). Besides, I think the only people who are dumb enough to say something like that are people who have no clue what it's like to struggle financially. Unless she is planning to support you both financially, I'd ignore your stepmom.
    Last edited by vashti; 15-04-09 at 02:48 AM.

  6. #21
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    Nov 2004
    If money and stuff is what you want than homeboys not gona cut it. There are many other men with lots of money out there. You can find um if you do it right.
    Go to one of the dating sites and fish. You can find a man with some serious cash flow.
    Even if they are ugly and what not its ok cause they will have what you really want and need.
    lose your looser boyfriend and get yourself a rich man, and live the life you want!
    Go for one that is old for sure. With the new ED pills you will still have a lover and money! Maybe they could drop dead and leave you all that wonderful cash!
    Then you will be truly happy since you would be finally alone with your true love.
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

  7. #22
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    I find it hard to maintain an attraction for long to a drag-ass, do-nothing kind of guy, no matter what he looks like. yerana, I'll bet he'll just disgust you pretty soon and you'll find it very easy to just send him on his merry way.
    Spammer Spanker

  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by misombra View Post
    If money and stuff is what you want than homeboys not gona cut it. There are many other men with lots of money out there. You can find um if you do it right.
    Go to one of the dating sites and fish. You can find a man with some serious cash flow.
    Even if they are ugly and what not its ok cause they will have what you really want and need.
    lose your looser boyfriend and get yourself a rich man, and live the life you want!
    Go for one that is old for sure. With the new ED pills you will still have a lover and money! Maybe they could drop dead and leave you all that wonderful cash!
    Then you will be truly happy since you would be finally alone with your true love.
    You crack me up! I'm totally not looking for money, or I wouldn't even have begun dating this guy. FYI, my ex-husband was loaded (broke when I met him), but I left him cause he had no personality, we barely ever saw each other, AND he did not know how to manage all his money. He got us into a big mess financially because he had to buy all his toys and fancy cars and not pay his taxes. I really just want a good relationship with someone who can manage his money, not someone rich. Why is a guy like that so hard to find?
    Last edited by yerana; 15-04-09 at 04:26 AM.

  9. #24
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    Just another case of a woman settling for a lazy fool.. Find somebody better, kick his useless ass to the curb!

  10. #25
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    You're right, Anomaly. I do feel bad judging him still. I know he is not a lazy person...he is always on the go, has a band, always doing creative things--none of which make him money, but that doesn't seem to bother him. I just wish had a little more sense when it came to money.

    I spoke with him yesterday about our relationship. I was telling him I was not hip on getting involved with him since he is going away for a year. He seemed to think we could just do a long-distance thing and that might work out. I mentioned that I might be open to the idea (just to pry a little more into his thoughts even though I wasn't even considering it) and I said we could see each other on holidays then?...He said, "well... I'll be with my family then, so probably not". Ack! What is he? 8 years old? Just...no...............Next!!!

    I am attractive, healthy, have a masters and am stable financially-but I guess also now a wee bit crazy considering I didn't see this coming. What was I thinking???
    Last edited by yerana; 15-04-09 at 06:08 AM.

  11. #26
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    lol i did not write that.
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by yerana View Post
    ...he is always on the go, has a band, always doing creative things--
    What do you call a musician without a girlfriend?

    Spammer Spanker

  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch View Post
    What do you call a musician without a girlfriend?

    Gack! Haha...so true! Sad...'cause I'm a musician, too. What do you call a musician who dates another musician? An idiot...but dammit, we can still make some mighty fine music together under the bridge of our choice!

  14. #29
    vashti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by misombra View Post
    lol i did not write that.
    Is Mikey home today?

  15. #30
    Join Date
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    yes lol. he's so fuking silly. i told him everybody was gonna think he was a big ol' loser now.
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

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