The way somebody looks may be the initial draw but once I get to know them looks are not the most important thing.
My point to you, which you completely missed while you were being so defensive is that although I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt that you were doing this from a good / helpful place, the fact that you started the thread by saying that her weight was borderline OK in the begining, really rubbed me the wrong way. That phrase alone sent out all sorts of negative signals. If I'm getting that vibe, can you imagine what she's feeling from you? Weight & looks are very sensative subjects for a lot of women. There are huge pressures from society & it can make even the most well adjusted women a little nutty.
If you really want to help her, great. But if you genuinely love her, the 1st words out of your mouth, ought to be that you don't care what size she is. You love her for her.
If my SO was taking drugs or drinking too much, I'd probably vote with my feet & leave the relationship if the behavior didn't change & was adversely affecting me.
You already said that the order of things was as follows:
1. You met
2. she gained weight
3. In July you told her that you didn't find her attactive any more
4. She told you she wants to lose weight.
Thus, based on your initial post which I read -- she told you she wanted to exercise & lose weight AFTER you essentially told her that she was fat & ugly and the continuation of your relationship was contingent on her changing. You admit that she only half heartedly exercises & that you have to force her to participate in sports. Does that really sound like a woman who wants to do this?
I have a great idea on how she can lose 70kg very quickly but I don't think you will like my suggestion.