Originally Posted by
"I think that deep down we need to feel ownership/control over another person to make up for our own insecurities. I think this is a big source of tension in relationships, b/c you can never, of course, ever really control another person. I think if we were more secure in ourselves, and really understood who we are, ourselves (not defined by our relationship w/another person) that a lot of these problems we see on this forum would go away."
I completley agree with this. Insecurities are detramental to relationships. Honestly, This is the main reason my relationship didnt work out. Women now a days are becoming more independant, and im sure this will continue. They dont necesarilly "need" someone. I have talked to few older people, most of them married very young. The things they have told me were suprising. For instance, my grandmother married very young, 17, in which she clearly said that she only did it because it was the norm, and thats what women did at that time.
At 70 years old, this kind old lady broke down to me, she did have regrets, she was passionate about things, but her idea (of the norm) wouldnt allow her to better herself. I for one, like to question the "norm," I mean why do things jsut to because its morally/socially accepted? I find women more apealing when they are independant, and I think this current trend is great. As a society we are growing, evolving, understanding things more clearly.
In regards to the original post, I dont think pologomy should be unaccepted. I think this kind of attitude can only help you figure out who you are, what kind of person you want to be, and what you want out of life. Im so sick of hearing about people who in a relationship, solely based on wanting/needing a relationship. I have been a bit of a flake lately, but i have been learing so much about myself, in which is the key. Its a good feeling when you can be happy, without needing to use someone else as a crutch.
This sort of thinking will not last, i know. I dont think i will settle down, or be monogomous, until I am ready. Until i find the right person. People (my friends) may think i'm a bit of a whore, but i dont. Why should i settle with someone just for the sake of settling? Honeslty, i am proud of myself, and i feel i understand things much better. These days, i think people are selling themselves short, by settling. I dont think these kind of people have figured themselves out yet. I also think that people, more times than not, get all wrapped up in wishful thinking. What i mean is, they want so badly to be in love, or to be loved, that they complelty ignore who they are, what they want out of life.
I think the key to WANTING to be monogomous is patience, finding the right person. When you find that person something just clicks, and the urge is gone. Its tough to explain, it just happens. But until then, swinging is a great way to figure out who the hell you are.
wow, talk about rambling incoherant thoughts!!!!
good job indigo