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Thread: i asked her and she said no

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    be a true gentleman buddy.. thats the way it has to be. if u really love her, just hope that she remains happy..with whomever she thinks she will be happy.isn't that genuine peronality buddy...

    but i ve got a hunch that something is fishy around there.i got a feelin that she wants no marriage now and thats why she told ur fren that she is goin to marry somebody else....

  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee
    Take a while?

    Why cause he asked out a stranger?

    This guy has to pull his guts off the floor.
    *laughs* I agree, if you have this much trouble coming to terms with rejection from someone you hardly know, I'd hate to see you in an actual relationship.

  3. #18
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    Guess I looked at her too much... or my sadness which was there even before I saw her is what is causing this unusual behaviour of mine. You people are right. I shouldn't feel this sad and heart broken by this rejection. But it isn't the way it is. I don't know why this is this bad. I have a feeling that she doesn't care one bit about me. If she does, she would call me at least. Today I had the luck of chatting with her, and I told her everything. And I told her that I was sorry. I didn't fall in love with her intentionally. This all happened without my control. I can't control my heart any more. Whenever I'm reminded of her, I get a cough and a pain. You are right. I am abnormal in this situation. I don't usually go about asking girls to be my girl friend. I don't have girl friends like some of you do. When something like this happens, it makes me feel so lonely. This time it is worse.

  4. #19
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    Maybe it is because she was mistreated by her colleagues.... like shouting at her to pick up dusty bits of paper from the ground all because of me. I had pity on her... and now I have pity on myself. What am I going to do about all of this? You people are experienced with all sorts of marriages so please tell me. I love her, and my heart or something important withing me is going to fail because of this.

  5. #20
    Junket's Avatar
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    You "fell in love" out of pity?

    Sounds kinda low to me...

  6. #21
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    I couldn't word it correctly. It was something like pity. I was in her situation several times in the past.

  7. #22
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    When they mistreated her, they mistreated me as well. Because I love her.

  8. #23
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    Shaffiee - SNAP OUT OF IT!! You sound like a lunatic, and you are becoming well, boring. Stop obsessing, and get a life.

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by shh!
    Shaffiee - SNAP OUT OF IT!! You sound like a lunatic, and you are becoming well, boring. Stop obsessing, and get a life.
    Thanks. I guess I'll be doing that. Thanks all, for listening to my problem.
    See you around guys.

  10. #25
    Junket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shafiee
    Thanks. I guess I'll be doing that. Thanks all, for listening to my problem.
    See you around guys.
    Heh, he's not gonna listen to us.

    We're just not tellin' him what he wants to hear.

    "If you really love her you'd waste your life waiting for her!"

    "Ask her out again! Buy her expensive presents! Soon she won't help but fall in love with her cause you'll have proved how devoted you are to her wants and needs!"

    "Love conquers all!"

  11. #26
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    LoL yeah Fras.

    See ya Shafiee, thanks for stoppin by.

  12. #27
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    This guy gives IT people a bad name!

  13. #28
    lilwing89's Avatar
    lilwing89 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by shafiee
    I am wounded. There is this crushing pain in my chest. This is what she said:
    "I am in love with someone else, and I am about to marry him. Tell him no."
    I was too shy to ask her, and this is what she said to the person who I sent. I have found out so much about her... her phone number, her address, her fathers name, and things about her family. I even found out the location of her house. All of these things did not help. And with her answer, I have lost my personality, because I have concentrated so much on her during the past few months.

    I can't forget her beautiful face, I can't forget her beautiful eyes. I can't forget her tears. All these things made me fall in love with her, and now I am left alone.
    step one. meet girl for real.
    step two. become friends with girl.
    step three. ask girl out.
    thats how it works damnit. if you send someone else to ask her out for you, it isnt gonna work out, never. not ever. dont even go there buster. if you sent someone else to go ask her out for you, she thinks you are too much of a chicken shit to be seen with her and shit like that.

    and WHAT THE ****????? it seems like you dont know a damn thing about her, and that means there isnt a pain on your chest. which leads to another thing, you are desperate.
    so quit sucking up and being a big baby. quit wasting your time over girls that you prolly wont even like. go out there and meet someone that you actually like.
    one word.

  14. #29
    lilwing89's Avatar
    lilwing89 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by shafiee
    Is there a girl in this forum who will make a good replacement?
    dont go there either, my god.

  15. #30
    Join Date
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    Oh my gosh... this thread is still alive. But there is something which I would like you guys to know. The actual thing died today. So there is no more need to talk about this. I can't change anyone's heart. I can only try to change mine and move on.

    But it is so hard. I am trying everything. I deleted her from MSN Messenger Contacts, blocked her, blocked her from sending emails to me. Nothing works. I even deleted her phone number from my phone. Deleted all the work I have done to find her. Deleted all the information I found about her. I even deleted all the songs which I played. I have removed anything which would remind me of her. But still, I will be seeing her at work. And she would just enjoy what I am going through. What a waste of effort. I don't understand what some of you guys are suggesting by calling me everything from Stalker to Pathetic. I never had any bad intentions. I just wanted to make her mine. But unfortunately, as it is always, someone else already owns her heart.
    Last edited by shafiee; 16-07-05 at 09:54 PM.

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